Poetry is something greatly undervalued. Despite being a long shot from waning, its charm and power are today, it appears, long forgotten. Poems and the poet itself are still now though, perhaps more than ever, a mighty force when it comes to picking up women.
Let me give you a direct personal example of how this is possible and they way it works. Jumping back a few years into the past, I was in this little Argentinean countryside town for our own version of the traditional Oktoberfest. I was spending the weekend there with a couple of friends, enjoying the taste of homebrewed beer and the sight of amazing women (Argentinean girls, in case you don’t know, are very good looking.) Everything was alright and I was having a great time… But then came Mariel.
She was the Queen of the town and, as such, also from the festival. You might guess how beautiful she was. After all, these town and city queens are always in another league. For me, as probably with many other guys there, it was love at first sight. But the difference between me and the rest of the guys was that I was willing to do something about it. Everyone was yelling, shouting love and so on – But no one was going to go as far as I did!
If you have been reading this site for a little while already you might have noticed I’m a bit crazy. Not everyone crashes weddings or sneaks into the Sheraton’s swimming pool right? But well, fun or not, sometimes you need to have crazy and special attitudes as these if you want to have success! I WANTED that girl and I started to think all the possible ways I could pick her up. My friends and everyone else thought I had no chances, laughed at me and insisted it was impossible to get her. Alright, she was the queen but guys you must know that there’s no impossible woman, just a few who are prohibited.
So as soon as we got back to our hostel that night I started searching for Neruda poetry. I’m not a gifted poet myself, so it was just fine to borrow a few lines from the genius and adapt them to the Queen. I wrote a few drafts and the next day, when I saw her on the scenario, I was inspired enough to give the work the final touches. No one believed in me, but I was convinced that I had gold in my hands.
Once the work of art was finished, I went forward in my search for glory. I was going to get that woman; I had 100% belief I would. Of course, it’s not easy to get to these girls but I was really luck as to find the nicest people ever in the security entrance. They were part of the organizing team and were thrilled with my story and with the poem I was so decided to read. So they smiled at me and told me “We’ll bring her, wait here.” Bingo!
In the meantime people started gathering around me as the buzz started to run. My friends looked speechless as more than a hundred people were already around us. And then came the Queen. I looked her into the eyes, smiled and with everyone in the crowd yelling in my favor, I started reading her the poem. It was good, funny and even a bit cocky. She looked happy and I was certain that she was having a lot of fun hearing me read. After I finished, the crowd, which had been continuously growing, started clapping, shouting “genius” and then, all together “Kiss! Kiss!”
A humble common guy from the crowd had stood out and got the Queen herself! The biggest prize of all – After that, everyone in the party kept congratulating me the whole night; the other girls couldn’t believe it and my friends were astonished. To this day, the Queen and I are still good friends (pity those 1000 kms that separate us!)
This is just an example guys – Just to let you see how far can someone go with a poem and a bit of charm. By no means a poem will get you a girl by itself, but it can act as a platform for you to impress. It’s one way, one excuse for you to stand out from all those other men who do nothing. Make sure to couple it with a great presentation (I was well dressed, spoke loud and clear and kept looking her at the eyes) and you can hit gold!
Still, poems, despite being a top picking up strategy, are not something you should use all the time. You could do it if you want to, but it’s better to keep them for a spontaneous and unexpected moment. Don’t go to a bar with pen and paper but instead write something spontaneously in the subway/bus and tell a girl you like that she inspired you, etc.
Finally, remember that if you don’t do this with absolute confidence and belief in yourself you’ll look like a creep and weirdo. Instead, if you speak loud, sure of yourself and directly from your heart the girl will never forget you!
For those non believers of this story, there’s a video of me reading the poem to the Queen. If you want to take a look at it, I’ll post in the Facebook Group for all those in the community who want to watch it!