Why Girls Reject You by Mario

All men get rejected. You do, I do and so do all the other men on this planet. Rejection is something absolutely normal for each one of us. There shouldn’t be so much deal and problems going on around it. It might hurt, for sure, but in the end is not something so terrible. It’s part of your learning experience.

Still, no one likes to be rejected. We all get angry and sad when we can’t have what we want – it makes sense. Nevertheless, though we all get rejected, some do much more than others. Why?

In most cases, if not all, rejection has to do always with problems men have. Specifically, rejection can be classified under two possibilities:

1- She doesn’t like you enough.
2- She does like you, but likes another guy better.

Don’t break your head and suffer thinking too much why did she say no to you. If you are rejected, it is clearly because you fall in one of these two criteria. A wise man trying to get over it has to think about which mistakes he did and work hard so has they don’t happen again in the future. Common mistakes, which are all very simple, include:

Your first dates suck – The first couple of dates are very important. It’s where you have to show off your very best. It’s the time when she has to think that being with you could be a great choice. If you are boring, predictable and don’t make her have a nice and exciting time, you’ll certainly fail. If you want to have a good couple of first dates, read the articles here and here. They’ll be of great help.

You look too desperate – That’s a killer, it repeals women. Many men, dead for some girl, call her countless times, then write her messages all the time, speak to her every second they can and so on. Once you do this,start forgetting about her. If a girl feels you are completely owned, then she will take her time and take control of the situation. Don’t let her do that!

You are too slow – Don’t be desperate, but don’t be too slow either. Make her and other guys remember you are there. Don’t wait too long before calling, before setting up dates and don’t make the time between the meetings too long. Don’t let other guys take advantage! Show your intentions from the very beginning and act accordingly.

You are too boring – The site has dozens of articles helping you to be more attractive for women. I suggest you reading them all. There are more than three billion guys around in this planet and they all want women for themselves. If you want to succeed and get the most attractive ones, you got to be one of the most attractive men yourself. Get your value has high as it can get.

Still, even if you are rejected, you have to keep an abundance mentality. You might like one special girl but if she does not reciprocate your feelings, it’s better to move on. I don’t mean that you have to stop speaking with her and ignore her completely in the future. That’s not the idea. But you got to realize that what matters is your own happiness, and that cannot be achieved while you constantly suffer about one girl you can’t get.

In those cases it’s better to move on and find someone else. I believe in love and I understand that many times we can all become obsessed with someone and want just them and no one else. But the truth is that once you go out, see the world and meet different people you realize how many amazing personalities there are and, for sure, you can understand that the special ones are not just one or two, but many waiting for you to get to know them. Keep that in mind!

Mistakes Speaking With Women

All men should know how to speak. Being a good speaker is a first-class skill everyone must have. It will help you in any kind of relationships you build – being them with men or women.

The first point to work on is achieving a deep and commanding voice and how to calibrate the rest of your body – hands and eyes, especially- to perfectly match it. Second, you have to give good content and flavor to your speech, and to learn to tell anecdotes and stories is a great way of doing so. And finally, once the conversation is on track you have to keep the flavor going, continue building rapport and showing off your charisma until you finally close.

This last part is surely the easiest of the three. Imagine a situation like this: you charmed and made the girl you want have a great first impression of you and you are both having an excellent night. Nothing is guaranteed – but for sure you are in the right track. Yet, things could go wrong and usually go because men do simple, yet really foolish mistakes on the way. If you want to keep the flavor going, I suggest you sticking by some simple rules below.

Be positive – Always! This is the most important rule. Don’t talk about anything negative at all – keep everything you talk about positive. In fact, if you have any problems with family, work, money, university or whatsoever, don’t talk about them. If you do, just be brief and give a positive outlook about them. If she talks about her problems, don’t give her grim advice either.

Don’t talk about your ex – It’s a simple and well known rule, yet many men continue to do it. If you talk great things about your ex, the new girl won’t like it. And if you talk bad things about her, she won’t like it either. Better not to do it at all. If she asks about your past relationships, you can let her know but don’t go too deep into the subject. Never tell her how she mistreated you, dumped you, and cheated on you and so on.

Let her talk – In fact, she should be speaking much more than you do. Any girl’s favorite topic to speak about is definitely not you – nor is it politics, clothes, love or anything else. Their favorite topic is themselves. Even if you are dying to give your point of view about something, let her keep going. And remember the most important words you could say to someone when they are speaking about themselves: “That’s wonderful. Tell me more.”

Forbidden topics – Unless you are speaking with a very special kind of woman, you shouldn’t speak about politics, religion, violence or about any other topic that could offend her, her friends or otherwise bring conflict into the conversation. Also, make sure not to speak about subjects she might not know about or find terribly boring either. Boxing and role playing games, for instance, are not great topics for building rapport.

The list could be endless as there are dozens of mistakes men usually do when speaking with women. Stay tuned as this same article will be updated in the future!

First Date Mistakes

Post image for First Date Mistakes

Ways to ruin your first date are…I already wrote about what I do on my first dates. The focus is on doing something unique, special and original together. My goal is to make girls live an experience they might remember for a long time to come. Now, there are also those things you should never do, being the date unique and original or not. These things are universal!

1- You are late. Women are allowed to be late – you are not. Never ever leave a girl waiting. In the best possible scenario your chances will be greatly reduced from the very beginning.

2- You speak about negative feelings or about your exs. Instead, stay positive and focus on giving away charm and good emotions. Also, keep past relationships for yourself.

3- You are look and dress dirty. Something obvious, but the cause of many failed dates. Make sure you are showered and clean, dressed up nicely, with your teeth brushed and that you are using some cologne.

4- You are not a man. Being a gentleman is not out of fashion. On the contrary, it’s a must. Small things as opening the door for her, letting her order first and complimenting on how nice she is looking all make the difference.

5- You look at other women instead of her. Even if Miss Denmark is on the next table or just pops out from nowhere, keep your eyes on your date. Make her feel special, unique and that you are having a great time with her.

6- You speak over the telephone during a date. Just turn off your mobile – Do not even leave it vibrate. Having friends calling you won’t be a demonstration of social proof. On the contrary, it will be a lack of respect to her. If you are expecting an important call during the date, let her know in advance.

7- You demonstrate low value. Once you look needy, pushy and in constant search of approval, say goodbye to your chances. Don’t give excuses and never say sorry unless the situation is really, really bad.

8- You create false expectations. Let’s say you told her you were a great dancer and then, on the club, you were far below her expectations. Point of no return – You are dead. You could overestimate your golfing skills, for instance, but not those things that are so easy to check out on.

9- You don’t kiss her when you should. It’s funny, but if you leave the chance go by, you are dead. Future chances might be slim, so better do it when you have the possibility. Being a horrible kisser might kill you too.

10- You don’t follow up. At least send her a SMS the next morning and tell her you had a good time. Then arrange the following date for someday soon – Don’t let too much time go by.

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