Long, long time ago I wrote about 25 Things Women Like in Men (and, soon after, 25 More) – those two articles are still to this day of the most popular on the site. This time I’ll go and present the other side of the story – I’ll show you what girls don’t like.
Below is not my personal opinion but the result of an obsessive research with my friends, Twitter questioning and a bit of common sense. You might find a few offensive, but it’s not my point to make anyone feel bad about anything.
Girls don’t like men who:
1- Are weak – both physically an personality-wise. Girls want someone to protect them – no matter how independent they may be now. Exercise and get your personality in order.
2- Have bad breath. Brush your teeth often and always carry mints with you.
3- Have no skill. Be a good football player, a good cook, a good dancer, a good poker player – be a good something. Give her a reason to be proud of you.
4- Are miser. Pay for the dinner, buy her presents, give stuff away – not always but if you never do it the road will be rough.
5- Can’t lead. Don’t ask ‘What do you want to do?’, ‘Where should we go?’, etc all the time. Grab girls by the hand and just take them with you and where you want to go.
6- Lead too much. Lead but don’t exaggerate – it’s all about sensibility. Think twice before obliging her to see Alien vs. Predator with you.
7- Don’t call. Chat is cool, SMSs are nice – but use the phone and use it often.
8- Smell bad. Shower often, clean your clothes and use cologne.
9- Are too egocentric. I also have a big ego – yet sometimes I’ve to keep it for myself. Do the same.
10- Dress horribly. If you dress up like this they’ll walk away.
11- Are too dangerous. Girls like bad, dangerous boys – just make sure you don’t take it too far. Do crazy stuff but be careful.
12- Are indecisive. Don’t be the ‘I don’t know’ type of guy – decide, move and DO. Else you’ll look weak-willed and they girls leave you.
13- Doesn’t get along with her friends. No matter how ugly, ignorant and stupid her friends are, if you like a girl try your best to get along with them.
14- Have a small penis. Many say ‘size doesn’t matter’ , but personally I’ve yet to meet one girl in my life who doesn’t care about size. It’s not all lost however – you can read the guide on how to make the most of a small penis.
15- Are not independent. Make your own decisions and, if possible, have your own money and live outside Mama’s roof.
16- Have beards. Most girls find beards unpleasant and unattractive (and you are probably not the exception). Shave often.
17- Can’t drive. It’s always good to have a car, but if you don’t – then at least know how to drive one.
18- Too feminine. Even in the XXI Century, girls are girls and boys are boys. If you spend more time in the mirror than she does then something’s wrong.
19- Are bad in bed. Rock her world, last long and make her feel special – an unsatisfied girl will leave for the next guy.
20- Are ignorant. Read some books, know your maps, get out to the world. You can’t be sexy if you don’t know where Australia is.
21- Looks too bad. Girls are not as superficial as we men are, but they still want to be with attractive boys. Try to look your best.
22- Are unpopular. Don’t be the anti-alpha – if most people dislike you, girls will stay away from you.
23- Have no ambitions. You need to be fighting for something – to have a big dream or one big project you want to do. Otherwise you will look void and (often) boring to be with.
24- Are rude. It’s not old-fashioned to be a gentleman – open her the door, wait for her, eat correctly, etc.
25- Have nothing in common with them.
I always have fun writing down this lists and I hope you enjoy them too!
It’s not all wrong if you feel identified with one item in the list – it’s ok if you even checked two or three. You can do something to improve right now. It’s of course easier to improve your breath than to become more popular, but with time and effort there’s no point in the list that you can’t do anything about it.
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