Winning the influence of a girl’s mother has to be among your prime objectives. It is easy when young, not to difficult after that and the benefits are huge!Having a Good Relationship with Mothers
Just imagine – If you left a good impression on her mother, you’ll have found someone who is willing to work in your favor 24/7. It is that cool – Or, if not, it will be just a little bit less. The mama will speak about you, tell her why she liked you, why she should choose you and so on. If, on the contrary, you leave her a bad impression, this will go all against you instead. So there’s only one way to go right?
Good thing is that it is not hard to leave a good impression. Be your best self, don’t discuss too much, don’t look freak and always show how big your feelings for her daughter are. Play the nice, intelligent and caring guy and you’ll all but win her. Some etiquette will also help you out too.
Having a good relationship with the father is also important. It’s good if you are in good terms with him too. Still, his opinion, for one reason or the other, usually won’t be as important as her mother’s when it comes to making the girl feel more attracted and more seduced by your personality.
Her Mother Is Her in the Future
My Papa, a wise man, always tells me that whenever I want to start a relationship with a girl, I should take a look at her mother. “The mother is her in the future,” he says. And he is right! Most of the times if her mom looks like sixty when she is only forty, her daughter will follow the same path and vice versa. It is just like that!
If you ever thought on getting married with some girl, you should better take a look at her mother and see then what will await you in the future. It may well happen that she is amazingly beautiful at twenty five – But maybe she already looks terrible only ten years later. I’m not superficial and I hope no one of you is, but I alsodon’t want to find myself with any unpleasant surprise in the near future!
So, if you want to have a good looking wife, you better take a look at her mom now. Exceptions are possible and may well happen, but they are not as common as you might wish they were. If a girl is already chubby at twenty, expect the worst in the following years. Instead, if the girl takes care of herself when young, eats well and is sporty, then you might have a better shot for the future!
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