The Best Place to Pick Up Girls
This really matters because that skill you have will make a certain place, a bar or a mall, for instance, better for your game. So, as I explained with the best movies before, the best place to go and pick up is subjective. There will be a place that you and just you will be the most attracting man and some others where you would be the less interesting. The idea here is to get to know which is the place you should go to and to focus picking up there.
For example, if you a great dancer, would you go and pick up girls in the park? You certainly could, but your success rate would never approach that of you in a club or dance floor. Which aspect of your personality makes you the most attractive? For my case, I believe that I can charm the girls I want when I speak about culture and life stories. Not only I’m a guy they could spend a great time with but I’m also the best guy they could go and speak about culture with.
Then, where do I go? Cultural events, naturally. I meet girls the same tastes as I do and it becomes easy to get connected. They get impressed by all what I have to say and most of the times they want to go out with me and get to know me more. In that atmosphere is where I can maximize my value. You have to think where you can maximize yours. It’s not too hard; you just have to think about it a little.
You don’t need to be hours in the clubs every week to meet a woman. That’s a terrible mistake! There are women everywhere and all the time. You just need to do the approaches in the place you feel the most comfortable at. The place where you maximize your value will be the place where, at the same time, you’ll pick up the most girls.
How to Have a Better Relationship
Show love in public
Showing love in public is a win-win situation. Kiss, hug and touch your girl openly, in front of friends and wherever you go. Make her sit on your lap, hold hands with her… Those are plain, easy and very enjoyable ways of showing love.
Perhaps you or she might be a bit shy about it at the beginning, but don’t let that stop you. It’s definitely something you have to do with any woman you love. This open showing of affections will make her feel safer in her feelings to raise her self esteem. Make her feel the one and only, not only by telling her but also by showing this love you have for her all the time and in every place.
Cuddle more
Cuddling is something that helps bringing couples closer together. In summer at the beach, in autumn under a shedding tree, in spring under the rain or in winter warm in bed, cuddling is just great. Just nothing can beat a close, naked cuddle anywhere and anytime.
Also, women need to be held and listened to, and cuddling is a perfect way of doing both. It’s an opportunity to spend quality time together, romantic moments and to share all the love you have for each other. For example, to feel each other’s hearts beating, while outside reins a big storm, is the kind of moment that will give a special charm and feeling to the couple.
Make love, not sex
As I explained extensively in this old article, sex, plain as it is and without its underlying magic, despite it can give big satisfactions, cannot create a deep bond inside the couple. Men must break the crude monotony of plain physical sex and mix it with romantic, horny talks as well a flood of emotions and fantasies.
Only then having sex will become making love. The power of love in bed will make the relationship go forward still when passion fades away. It’s definitely something all men should strive to do, as it also will make your relationship with her stand out from all the other ones she had before.
The More Equal We Are, The Easier is to Pick Up
One good day I met this guy who made it everything clear. He, from Kosovo, told me “You will notice that the more advanced the country is, the easier the girls are to get.” In Kosovo, still in Europe but very backwards, he said, women were very hard to sleep with. In Vienna and beyond, on the contrary, it was much easier. He was right, for I could see and experience that myself. But why?
It all lies on the mentality of these women. Women from richer countries have a different mindset, they are more liberal. The reason for that lies deep into their psychology: in those countries, the social role of women is exactly the same as men’s. We are, in their eyes, both equal. Equal not just in rights, as that’s practically something universal right now, but in the way we are looked by society.
In Argentina or Kosovo, or we could also say in Southern Italy or Spain, a guy who is with many girls is a pimp, a winner. Do you think it’s the same with our women? Not at all! Those women who kiss many men or meet someone special in a club are immediately labeled by the society as whores. And if they happen to sleep with someone they don’t really know, the condemnation will be much bigger and scandalous.
This is not like that in Vienna or in those other places where the concept of equality is deep inside women’s minds. There women believe that there’s no difference between them and men. They won’t find it wrong to sleep with many men, it’s not socially condemned and thus casual sex and one night stands just happen. Women there don’t feel conditioned by anyone and don’t have any prejudice against sleeping a random guy they happen to like. They will find it normal as we men find it. Women also love sex, much more than men, so they will just go forward with it.
It’s the same when it comes to approaches. I slept with a lot of girls in Northern Europe because I was one of the only guys in the clubs or bars actually approaching them. Men just don’t do it there, or just very little. Why? Because women have taken the lead it’s them who actually approach men. Sometimes guys just spend hours in the mirror to look their best and wait in the club to be approached by women. Pathetic in my eyes, but with women as those it works. Women don’t have a prejudice to approach a random man they like, as they do have in my country and perhaps yours.
Bear this in mind when you travel or meet someone from a different country. It may well happen that you will be impressed by how different foreign women could be. Make sure to make the most of it!
How to Become a Great Kisser
Look and be kissable
Dress up nicely, have a nice breath and your lips in shape. Those are three things anyone who wants to be kissed should know from the very beginning. It’s simple, but many men just don’t realize how important they are. Don’t eat garlic or onion before going out, and always have a couple of mints with you to tackle bad breath. Balm your lips if they are broken or destroyed, and always be presentable, well dressed. Put yourself in a woman’s feet and think, Am I kissable? The answer must be an outright yes!
Use your hands
It’s true that when you kiss, the main protagonists are your lips. Nevertheless, your hands play a very significant, if not vital, part in the whole story. You got to make the most from them, so use them and do it wisely.
When kissing, especially in the most passionate moments, I strongly advice taking one hand up to her head. Gently touch her face and let it rest in her hair. Then, while you kiss, slowly move it around – Grab and release the hair, always matching the rhythm and temper of the kiss. Make it romantic. As for the other hand, think of it as a joker: use it everywhere. Place it behind her back, make it hold her free hand too or also take it all the way up to the head.
Kiss her everywhere
A great and romantic kiss is not only focused on the mouth and lips. On the contrary, a good kisser knows how important is to tackle other parts of her head and body. The number one spot that all women love is their neck. Gently kiss her neck, going up slowly until you kiss her ears. Kiss her forehead, where her hair starts and even her nose.
Kiss everywhere but in the lips, build up to the great moment. Instinctively, women will get anxious waiting for you to kiss them in the lips. Make the most of that anxiety, build it up. Then, when the moment comes the kiss will be much more magical.
Kissing rhythm
Change your rhythm on the way, don’t be monotonous. Some moments will demand you to be aggressive, while in others you should be mild and calm. Calibrate to those moments your lips, hands and your tongue. Do small kisses and also long ones. Take the lead and let her take it too.
After kissing her for a long time, stop and look at her in the eyes. Smile, say something nice and hold her tight. Don’t be a machine, make her feel special. That’s why smiling, looking at her and speaking is also very important. Do it, inspire her.
Things to Take When You Go Out
Every time I go out I take a handful of things that one time or the other help me in my goals, whichever they are. Here’s what they are for me and why I recommend you to take them too.
An easy pick, taking your camera out is a must. Firstly because it will let you open up groups of girls with ease, capture great and funny moments and it’s one perfect excuse for you go ask girls’ contacts and for them to ask yours.
Secondly, you should load your camera with very best photos of trips and great moments. That way you can show and tell guys and girls excellent anecdotes of yours. Don’t go telling every random girl you meet “Hey, look, I was in Russia” but if you have the possibility of casually doing it at some point in time, it will raise your value.
A ring and a neck-chain
I never go out without these two. They are the perfect excuse for almost everything! I have a couple of cocky and funny stories around them that I have invented. They are funny and well thought anecdotes that guys and girls love to hear. I always look for right moment to tell people about them.
Think your own stories and make them work towards your goals. I got one story of mine, showing a very emotional and sensible side for when the girl thinks I’m too tough. And vice versa, I got the tough guy’s story when the girl thinks I’m too sensitive. The ring has saved me many times and it can help you too!
Other Indispensables
Always have mints or some kind of candy with you; you never know when you will really need them. By no chance in life you want to destroy all what you have done because of a simple bad breath. Also, always go out with enough money and condoms too. You might need to use them at one point or the other, even if it’s completely unexpected.
As a general rule, take those things that will help raising your value. If you can do some great magic tricks, take them with you. If your stuff is drawing, take a small notepad and pencil with you too. Don’t overdo it and take that many things, but still take those that will help you in your goal. As I explained, it’s all about maximizing your chances.
Tips on Dating Women
1- A good perfume is worth every cent. If you’re going to attract someone, you need to appeal to all the senses. And women love good cologne. Never go out without it!
2- If you don’t satisfy your woman in bed, you are up to serious trouble. Even if she really loves you.
3- Never believe everything a woman says. It’s a step into maturity to assume that if she has to lie to you, she will.
4- Women love chocolate.
5- Never believe your woman is the exception to anything. I can bet you everything in the world that she is not.
6- A woman who truly likes you is never too busy for you. But time is precious. If you want to take a bit out of hers, you better have something exciting to do.
7- Cuddling is important – It is something that helps bringing couples closer together.
8- The two biggest and universal physical turn offs for women are a very short man and a very small dick. All other cases can be fine, but looking the best you can will certainly help.
9- Never try to understand women. Don’t analyze and think too much about what they do, it’s not worth it.
10- Girls want to be taken. No one likes to be alone.
11- Always make your intentions clear from the very beginning – Be dangerous from the word “Hey.” That way, you won’t fall into the dramatic ‘Friends Zone’ right away. But at the same time, be playful and know that even if you like her, you are not dead for her and by no means someone who can be controlled.
12- Assume and have very clear that you’ll be rejected many more times than not. But, in the end, that’s not something that bad.
13- When you want a girl, to have her friend’s blessing must be your top objective. If they like you, they will be of enormous help and make everything easier for you. Also, especially for younger girls, to make her parents like you is even more important.
14- Being a good kisser will make your way to bed easier. So will if you are a good dancer.
15- Buying women drinks is not worth it. Don’t do it.
16- In class, at work, in the gym or in any social place you go to, say “Hi” all the time and to every girl. It will be of great help.
17- Never ask a woman “Would you like…” too often, but give her options. For example, tell her you want to go with her to a certain place at a certain time – But let her choose whether she prefers Saturday or Sunday.
18- Shoes are very important; always give some extra attention to them.
19- Women are attracted to leaders, ambitious, inspiring and confident people more than to anyone else.
20- Don’t leave women messages in the phone – Call until she answers. And, once she does, talk only to set up the date. Save the conversation for the date.
21- Never ask permission to do anything or say anything.
22- Women love the unexpected. Surprise them often and never be totally predictable.
23- Laughing is an aphrodisiac. Learn to be funny, to tell anecdotes and to entertain.
24- People love to speak about themselves more than anything else – It’s their favorite topic. So do women.
25- Never try to outsmart women. You’ll lose.
26- If you are going to touch a woman, do it from the very beginning and with 100% belief. If you don’t, it will be creepy.
27- Girls from richer and more developed countries are easier to get than girls from poorer, less developed ones.
28- Lead, even if you don’t know where you are going. Make an adventure out of everything and put emotion and charm into it.
29- Make things fun your YOU. That way you’ll make things fun for her too.
30- Tease. Do it playfully and laugh at her. Make those things that will make her playfully punch you. Don’t go as far as offending her or talking about her deep insecurities. And, unless you really screwed up, don’t say sorry.
31- As far as you are concerned, you are the coolest guy ever. Believe in yourself – There’s gold running out of your mouth. Offer value, have abundance mentality and be confident in yourself.
32- Women love to give you advice on anything.
33- Desperation repeals women.
This list will be constantly updated with new tips from you, the readers, and also from myself. So stay tuned! And, of course, you are invited to leave in the comments section your thoughts and ideas about the subject and whether the ideas here have helped you or not!
Psychology Behind Sexual Attraction
It has always been like that and it won’t change anytime soon. What did change though is which man actually represents that. A couple of thousands years back it was that man who, as a consequence of his power and strength had dominated the rest. In the present, the desired man is the one who is charismatic, influences others and has more power. In both cases, we are speaking about the traditional and present leaders of the tribe. In both cases, the leader of the tribe is the man with the highest amount of value.
If you want to be successful with women, you got to have that very clear. You must try to build those qualities that make up the modern leader. The more leader and charismatic you are, the more women you will attract. It’s something natural.
Which qualities, then, should you develop? I’ll give you a few examples, but the list could be endless.
Firstly, keep a healthy appearance. Going back to the first theory, a sick man would not provide her with healthy and strong children. So, even if you have a nice face, she might not be attracted. It’s no coincidence that girls are in love with men with muscles and a well-fit body either. Just think about it – it all makes sense. I don’t think that to seduce women you got to go to the gym every day or stay hours in front of the mirror either. But you should take at least a few minutes to work on your looks. I strongly recommend you all to read the article about that here.
Secondly, learn to speak. Speaking is the fists of the modern times. While our ancestors fought with sticks and swords for every other discussion, we can end most conflicts and establish our leadership through speech. Learn to speak and to influence the others around you and you will become the leader you want to. For that you got to practice, but give some serious commitment. If you want to be a great leader you got to be really good at this.
Finally, be able to withstand social pressure. There are few leaders because few people have the guts and readiness to confront the eyes and criticism of the whole society. After all, many men are afraid of what the rest will think of them. Go to hell with that and be confident in yourself, gain respect and share your ideas, views, dreams or do things other would not. Breaking through social pressure will make you a higher value man, more desirable and much more respected. It will show toughness and strength.
Still, think about all the qualities that make up a leader. Work to become one! We’ll be covering more of these in the near future so keep in touch!
The Perfect Places For The First Date
The girl you want has probably been approached by already dozens and maybe hundreds of guys. Most of these guys wanted to go out with her and also, probably, make her their new girlfriend. If you want to stand out from all those other men, you got to do something unpredictable, something new. You got to make her live a new experience.
Because of this I strongly discourage taking her to dinner, to the park or for drinks in the first dates. Do something different, something crazy! And the possibilities are endless! Most men feel afraid of approaching something original. Many common arguments include “But we just met”, “That’s too crazy”, “She won’t agree”, etc. Thing is, that’s all bullshit. If she does like you even a bit already, she’ll most surely be excited if what you got it’s a crazy, safe and fun idea. They just love men who do crazy things, right? And they also love to be a part of it, so work for that!
Let me give you a few examples of what I did. You could copy this and do it yourself – But better take it as an inspiration and find which is the best plan for you.
Sheraton Sneak
One day I met this wonderful girl. She was quite cool, a couple years older than me and very beautiful. Lots of men wanted to take her for themselves, so I had to act bold! I called her one day and told her if she wanted to go to the Sheraton’s swimming pool, sauna and all those cool places the hotel has with me. The one problem, I said, was that we would have to sneak our way in. I was positive about it; it would be a funny experience.
She first thought I was joking, but finally agreed to come. Then we did actually sneak in and spent a terrible day in the hotel – It was amazing! She was astonished, excited that couldn’t stop telling people about our adventure and how of a great time we had spent. Still now she keeps telling me how much fun and how it exciting it was that day – She’ll never forget it!
Football Match
Football (which in some places is called by the name ‘soccer’) is a huge thing in Argentina. A football match is a rollercoaster of colors, songs, craziness and pure emotion. Such an amazing atmosphere it’s nowhere else to be seen and, thus, it’s no coincidence that The Guardian, one of the top British newspapers has chosen the Argentinean league’s flagship match as the #1 sporting thing you must seen before you die.
This incomparable atmosphere makes it tempting to take women there too. It’s a unique opportunity for them to see something new, special and that they have never seen. Even if they don’t like football, all of them will be overwhelmed by the feeling in the stadium. They will never forget and, thus, won’t forget you either. After a match they are always excited, happy and much more willing to open up and share emotions and ideas than during a normal date.
As you can see, these were two exciting, unconventional and totally different dates. Perhaps the most exciting ones these girls ever had. It wasn’t even a proper date. The whole atmosphere made the whole boy meets girl scenario much more secondary, in favor of stronger emotions and more fun.
Girls love the unpredictable, so you should be better willing to give it to them. You’ll generate respect, recognition and it will also be a perfect moment for you to inspire. It’s an opportunity to make the girl you want live a more fun, exciting and charming life. Unless you make one terrible mistake on the way, this is really the way to go! You just need the guts to do it.
Which are your usual plans for the first dates? Let us all know and let’s think together about new excellent ideas!
Pick Up Lines Work
No matter how amazing and well thought these pick up lines could be, they are not what make the difference.What really matters here is the attitude in which you communicate. With this I mean the way you speak, your body language and what you inspire to these girls. The pick up line is no more than just the way to break the ice.
Let the truth be told – A guy with attitude, presence and belief but with the worst lines in the world might have much more success approaching than a shy, humble and stupid looking guy, even if this last one knows and studied the best lines. In a case like this, a simple “Hey” of the first guy can strike her more than the most precious line the second one has. After all, girls can predict everything after just a few words are spoken.
If you want to practice approaching women and get better at it, you should focus on raising your value, learning to have a commanding and great speech, your body language and so on. Once you get this done, that’s the moment to start learning those pick up lines too. By themselves they won’t do much, but they certainly will help and make things easier if you already have the first part of the deal complete.
With this said, I’ll give you a few tips with approaching itself. When it comes to pick up lines, there are two things that are important and they should focus on.
Make you differentiate – Most guys around are boring and predictable. The real sex worthy guy is the one who is charming, interesting and, above all, unpredictable. Luckily for us, there’s not many of these guys around. Become one by offering girls a completely different time from the one all the other men do. Your special one might be approached by tens of guys that same night, all of them almost asking her for an interview… So, do something different! Don’t ask her about what’s she studying, about her job – Don’t do what all the rest of the guys already did. Ask her what makes her special, what she does that the others don’t and so on.
Get the conversation going – Because of this, the best way to open is by asking her opinion or advice on something. Women love giving their advice, especially when it comes to something related with love, relationships and friendships. Combine that with some funny jokes early in the conversation and you are off to a good start. The idea is for you to be natural, not to make the situation look creepy or awkward. If you get good with this it doesn’t matter whether you are in a club, in a bar or even in the street.
As for approaching itself, there are also some advices you should take into account:
1- When you are going to approach one girl, remember that her friends also exist. Use them in your advantage, make them part of the conversation and give them enough attention. If they like you, they’ll work in your favor. If they don’t like you, start forgetting about that girl.
2- Tell them your time with them is limited. Say, when you approach a group of girls tell them that you can only stay for five minutes or so. That will help breaking the tension a little bit.
3- Don’t spend too much time thinking – Just approach! As fast as possible. If you take too much time you’ll look creepy, your brain will think excuses for you not approaching and so on. So be fast!
4- Be charming, always! Really, it’s the thing that makes the difference. (My article on how to be charismatic will come soon, I promise!)
5- You’ll be rejected many, many times. Don’t let that get you down and move on to the next one and so on.
6- Last but not least, SMILE. If you want to be successful, approach with a smile on your face. Even if James Bond approaches with a serious looking face, you will do it with a smile! It just works.
As a conclusion to all this, remember that the most simple approaches might surely work if you do it with charm, a smile and a bit of fun. It’s all in the attitude – And combine this attitude with the best lines around it’s a big win.
And always, in any conversation you end up with, speak like a man. Read this article. Be interesting. There’s no point in all of the above if you look like an idiot two minutes into the conversation.
Approaching Girls During The Day
Still, the reality is that it is really hard to make those first approaches and to start doing this seriously. There are a lot of prejudices and a lot of fear. It’s just not normal to be doing this and feels naturally awkward. But the goal is to get over it and start taking advantage of all the possibilities approaching during the day opens.
What I first realized is that when approaching women in these unconventional places there are two important things to take into account:
1- You have to inspire safety.
2- You have to be as natural as possible.
Inspiring safety is a vital point. If you don’t do it, you’ll create unnecessary tension and you will most surely end up failing as well. How safe is for her to speak with you is directly related with your appearance. Make sure to be well dressed, clean and don’t be wearing anything that could label you as creepy.
Then, be careful choosing where and when to approach. A dark alley in the late afternoon and with few people around is not the best spot and I guess you kind of understand why. Instead, you should focus on approaching in an environment that would look safe to her. A park, a bus full of people or a well-lit store are a few examples.
But safety is not enough; it’s kind of an absolute necessity for you to start. Once you have it, the trick is to be natural. It would be normal for you, me and everyone to be nervous in situations like these ones, but you got to be as natural as possible. Do as if you would be speaking with a friend or someone you know. The best way to do this is to approach fast! The more time you take to approach the girl you want, the more nervous you’ll get. You just have to forget about everything and go forward.
Then, as for the approach itself there are another group of important things you should take special attention to.
Be direct - Most of the internet says that the best way to approach women during the day is by saying some small thing about the environment, making some cute anecdote or, in the end, giving some indirect talk. The truth is that they are all wrong. In these kind of situations nothing is more effective than being direct. Don’t do small talk, don’t take girl’s time saying some random comments. Get straight to the point: you think she is cute and you had to meet her. Speak about her, make her feel important and, above all, comfortable.
Be positive – And by all means, don’t play defensively. One girl might come and tell you “Do you usually do this?” or “Do you always approach women in the cafe?”. In this case, just say that yes, you do. Be natural and keep playing her game. Be positive, smile and give value. That’s the key. As soon as you get in a defensive stance, your options will start waning.
Failure is an option – Not every girl you approach actually wants to be approached. Few have boyfriends, another couple are just uninterested in meeting you and a last few just won’t like you. So assume that rejection will happen. It’s certainly embarrassing to be rejected in public and in front of many other people, but it’s all worth the risk.
Practice is the key – As in every other skill, picking up girls is all about practice. Your first street approaches might be a big failure. I still remember the first couple of times I tried and how horrible it was to be sent away. But never give up and keep going, keep practicing and you’ll get better at it. It’s not easy to become one dangerous man during the day, but it’s actually not that hard either. If you seriously want to do this, put objectives. Approach at least one woman in an unconventional place everyday. If you can, approach even more. But do it! Practice and make a habit of it!
This is the general theory and my experience with approaching women during the day and at unconventional places. In the coming weeks I’ll be posting tips and guides focusing on every specific place and what I believe are the best strategies to take. Guides on flirting in the subway, the shopping mall, in the park and so on will be coming soon!
How To Give Women Amazing Pleasure
Many men underestimate the importance and benefits of giving good oral sex. Good foreplay, we can all agree, can potentiate sexual relationships and make the whole ritual even much more enjoyable. Cunnilingus is a must have skill for all men, as it’s easy to do and the benefits are huge. Also, it’s a great way to differentiate from all those other men who don’t do it – Men who don’t realize the big pleasure it will bring to both you and your couple.
Mind, good foreplay cannot hide the fact that the actual penetration is the most important part of sex. It’s not really just a matter of pleasure – as that depends on the woman – but instead it’s a matter of manhood. Women want to be penetrated and to feel the most rustic and animal part of sex. No matter how good you are with your tongue, you got to make the other part right!
But still, great oral sex gives you enormous advantages. First, you surrender your desires just to give pleasure to the woman. If you know to press the right buttons, that pleasure can be gigantic – maybe the best orgasms she will ever have. As I said, many women have stronger stimulation in the clitoris than with penetration itself – Make sure to give them both!
How is the best way to do all this?
First, remember that for good sex you have to be spontaneous and adventurous. The actual act of sex might always end up in the same – But you got to make the way towards it different, imaginative and absolutely unique. You could be slow or you could be fast, but make sure to make it something special.
A good approach, for example, is the following. Start by kissing her gently in the cheeks, behind the ears, in her neck and then continuing slowly down to her nipples, to her stomach to end up with one gentle and swift kiss in her clitoris and lavia. Then, continue your way down and keep kissing, now focusing on her thighs, legs, fingers and so on. Build up to the moment when you actually deliver the oral sex. Go back to her hot spot and for a few seconds and kiss her there again.
But don’t stay there just yet. Continue the kisses all around, make her slowly get more and more aroused.Do this by keeping the kisses going all over her body as well as using your hands to gently touch her. Touch her skin, her hair, her lips and also her clitoris when your head is somewhere else. Do this for some time and she’ll get really excited. To sum of to this excitement you should also touch her with your penis, almost as if it were involuntary, but you got to make her feel and see it. It will make her even more aroused.
Once she is really aroused, you can proceed to deliver persistent cunnilingus. Make sure to find the clitoris and use your tongue with ease. Invent – be gentle, calibrate the speed and don’t do always the same movements. Go up, go down, make swirls and make sure to also kiss instead of only licking too. Do it andmake her feel a star, speak to her and always use your hands to touch her and keep growing that excitement.
After a decent amount of time licking, kissing and touching her clitoris and lavia you can also penetrate with one or two of your fingers. Gently, slowly first and only if your fingernails are well-cut and clean, so as not to give her any pain – you have to give her pleasure and only pleasure. Build up to the moment when you actually penetrate with your penis.
Make sure to get a good timing. Do this for a considerable amount of time – ideally you could have her having one orgasm from it before penetration or at least have her very close it. But don’t overdo it either – Make sure that it’s not too little or nor too much. Remember to use your hands at every moment. If you want to stop licking and would like to kiss her in the lips on somewhere else instead, keep stimulating her with your fingers, so as not to lose the arousal. If you have your head down, use your hands to stimulate other erogenous zones as could be her nipples or neck, for example.
Always talk to her and ask her what is what she likes the most. Ask her how she likes it and what she doesn’t like. Make sure to follow her desires so as to make her the most pleased, satisfied and ultimately happy with you. If you think she is dirty or that there’s one problem with her that might make you not do this, let her know. You could get her pissed and angry for a couple of minutes, but it’s all worth it for her and you if you two can achieve a more successful sexual life.
Important: there’s a small, yet real chance that giving or receiving oral sex could transmit you sexual diseases as HIV. Because of this I strongly recommend you to be careful choosing with which women you would do this. For more information about this, you could check the articles on Wikipedia here.
Finally, sex, in the end, is a skill. The best way to get better at it, as in with any other thing you do, is practice. Once you have your woman try to see what works better, what doesn’t do well and try developing your own techniques. But always remember that the objective here is to make her have pleasure she will never forget.
How To Be Charismatic
Being charismatic
A charismatic person is one who is a leader, who has a message to deliver and that makes others feel special around him. He makes them feel they really matter and to know that if they are with him, no matter where, they are going to have a great time. The charismatic man is also the one who bonds and impresses and who is the center of the attention anywhere he goes, voluntarily or involuntarily.
Moreover, a charismatic man knows how to speak, has ambition and determination and also has a great story to tell. He gives flavor and has overwhelming confidence in himself. He inspires others to follow their dreams and leaves something lasting inside everyone he meets.
You can be charismatic
“Tiger Woods may be the world’s most skilled golfer, but he’s also the one who practices the most.”
Now, you might be wondering how in the world you could do all that, right? But let me tell you one thing:charisma is a skill. As such, everyone can learn it, even those who you least expect to. It’s all about practice – If you want to become a charismatic man, you got to get down for some serious training. It’s a hard and long path, but there is a way, I’m sure about it. After all, think about being charismatic as if it were a muscle – the more you practice, the better you’ll get at it.
Of course, there are a few people who are naturally better than the rest. Just as some are more skilled playing the guitar or for some sports, some of these people were born already charming. But if you practice enough, you can get even better than them. You have to commit yourself to achieve this. I’ll cover in this article how you can do this.
Getting the right mindset
The first thing you have to do is to get yourself the right mindset. You need to have absolute confidence in yourself, 100% belief in you and how great you are. You have to love yourself and become someone special – someone with a big smile inside and that can withstand social pressure. Charisma, though can be learned, can’t be faked. If you don’t believe in yourself, there’s no way you could expect others to do so.
Getting into the right frequency
The right frequency is when you are energetic, happy and with a consistent rhythm. It’s that moment when you are the center of the attention, when everyone wants to hear from you and when you are giving away your belief and charisma. Being in that mood is great. But the truth is that people, including myself, can’t be in that frequency all the time. The good news, though, is that you can get at it many more times than you do now.
The key is to know yourself, in which frequency you are and how to jump from one frequency to the other. I like to identify three kinds of frequencies – green, yellow and red (think of this as a traffic light metaphor.) Green is when I’m the guy from the first paragraphs, yellow is a bit more of an easy going and neutral self and red is when I’m just another guy in a group of people, nervous and insecure.
Of course, every time I am around friends, women and people I want to meet, I want and have to be green. But one day I wake up red, some day yellow… I’m not naturally green every day, no one is. That’s why you have to learn to jump between these frequencies. The best way to do so is identifying and creating a ritual.
The rituals
If I’m in the red frequency, feeling not good and in an easy-to-see bad mood, what I do is the following: I get my short pants, charge my Ipod with heavy metal or some nice audio book and go for a run. I jog for at least half hour in the street, stop to exercise a bit and then continue running for some more time. When I’m finished I make a loud shout.
Once I get back home and have a long and refreshing shower, I sit down and write about my thoughts and feelings in pen and paper while having a coffee or drink. The combination of the two makes me feel great and reborn. Usually, this helps bringing my frequency the closest possible to green. To finish the deal, I call and speak with people who are always happy to hear from me, just to see how they are doing. All this helps to bring good energy back to me and make me feel great soon afterwards. If I don’t have enough time or I am in no place to run, I still do the last two steps.
You got to identify which kind of rituals work great for yourself. You got to find a way to become green every moment you can!
Planning your encounters
“Spectacular achievements are always preceded by spectacular preparation.”
Once you have the right mindset and the correct frequency, what you got to do is to plan your encounters.Behind any great joke and every great man there is enormous preparation. Take for example Winston Churchill: he is known today a master speaker, a fantastic dinner guest and the one who always captivated everyone’s attention. What is less known, and I quote the great book Never Eat Alone, “is the blood, sweat and tears of preparation that went into the making of a single sentence of the delivery of a clever joke. Churchill realized the power of knowing his audience and knowing how to push the buttons.”
In a way, this is kind of the same the so-called Pick Up Artists do when they develop routines, patters of speech and so on. You have to take a few of these, make up some of your own, learn quotations and jokes – and calibrate the right time to deliver all of these. You need to have consistent material in yourself and ways to also show off your value every moment possible. Also, you should practice ways to remember people’s names and develop conversations that make them feel special, for instance.
Keep checking this site as there’s a lot of material helping you to do exactly this kind of things!
Go out and practice
But, even if I keep writing down about different ways you could become more charismatic, it all ends up in just one thing I already told you about: practice. Training is the key. Take what I wrote above with you and go out! Go to places where you could meet people and have a conversation with – and this, by the way, is not clubs. Go backpacking, go to live with friends, join groups about things you love, take classes about topics you always wanted to learn about. Only that way you’ll give your charisma muscle the work it needs to become stronger every time! If you got the right mindset and frequency and you are prepared as well, it will be easy for you to start making some impact. Keep growing from your success and the results will start coming.
Picking Up Girls During The Day Strategies – The Dog
This is the first of the strategies to approach and pick up women during the day. The general and generic rules for success were posted on that old article. But just to remind you, remember that the most important things are for you to be natural and direct, as well as possitive and to inspire safety. As with everything, failure can and will happen. But you got to practice and develop these techniques until you get more and more successful.
As the title implies, this technique is all about dogs – and believe me, you got to love these guys. They are men’s best friend for one good reason! They are always happy to see you and are always full of energy and joy. If you have a dog as pet it would be impossible for you not to love them. But yet, even if you don’t appreciate them for all what they are already, there’s one more reason for you to start doing so. Dogs are one of the best help you’ll ever have when picking up girls during the day.
Dogs pose, for you and the girls, as a perfect excuse to open a conversation. If you were walking in the street and approached some girl, it may look a bit odd. But instead, if you approach her while she is walking out her dog, the approach becomes somehow more accepted. After all, phrases as “Oh, what a lovely dog. What’s his name?” look totally inoffensive. This applies not only for when you are the one approaching, but also when girls might want to approach you instead. It’s not so common for a girl to start talking to you randomly in the street – but if you are walking out your dog these things just happen.
Dogs are popular by themselves, but in many cases if a girl approaches you while you are walking out your dog is because she is interested in YOU and not only on him. If she finds you attractive and would like to speak with you, she might find your pet as a perfect excuse to do so. Of course, she’ll start speaking about him and not about you, but once the ice has broken, everything gets easier.
So dress up nicely, look your best and take your dog out for a walk. Or, instead, you can also go for a coffee in some nice bar with tables out, and while you are sitting down and doing something interesting girls might bite the hook. Of course, the dog will be the star of any chitchat conversation, and it’s your duty to make this become something more serious. The key, again, is to be direct. Pick up lines as “Hey, this is unbelievable. You know, this little guy never seems likes anyone… But he’s really into you” work for this goal. Say this in a charming, well spoken way and you will start getting the conversation where you want it to go. The point is to emphasize her uniqueness and make her feel special and important.
That’s the hardest part of the deal. Once you start getting the conversation going you can ask her for her phone number and arrange a first date. You don’t have anything to lose! Again, rejection can and will happen, but the results while doing this in a regular way will just amaze you. And don’t go out just with the expectation of getting girls too. You could, every time you have to study, for instance, go to the café or to the park and take your dog with you. He’ll be bursting out with joy as all dogs love to go out too. Make it a habit and you’ll see success.
Some extra tips to take into account:
- A Rottweiler, English Mastiff or any other gigantic, frightening-looking dogs, despite how lovely and caring they must be, are not good for this strategy. Cute, small or middle sized breeds are the best to go.
- If you don’t have a dog, you can still go out with a friend’s or even with your grandma’s, if she has one. As long as you like these dogs and make them have a nice time with you, everything is permitted!
- I can’t think whether you could be successful with another kind of pet. For the moment, I stick with dogs.
- Its way possible that in the end the girl might just be only and absolutely only interested in touching and caressing the dog and nothing else. But it’s ok! Success rate is already high enough.
People You Should Never Sleep With
There are some women in this world with whom you should never even think on sleeping with. They could become those adventures you’ll regret for countless days, if not more! No matter how much in love you are or how beautiful you think they are, the best would be for you to restrain. It’s all a matter of avoiding unnecessary conflicts and trouble.
Ok guys, there are more than three billion women in this world. Out of those many, if you go and pick one of your family it’s just plain stupid. It’s a matter of morality – you just don’t have to! It’s odd, unnecessary and could bring a lot of problems. Perhaps it would be fine for you, but think on the rest of the family too and how many problems and conflicts something like this could start.
If you got some heart and care about what your parents, grandpas and everyone else thinks and feels, just restrain yourself. Out of all those women, just don’t go for your family. Don’t go and bring conflicts into the very heart of something of such an importance. It’s in the end, not worth it!
You should also never sleep with one of your co workers. It’s a time bomb that could explode when you least expect it to. If you value your career be careful with this! In Argentina we have this saying that roughly translates as “Don’t do shit where you eat,” and it’s meant to be applied in something such as this. Sleeping with a co worker could not only jeopardize your career, but you should also think that you’ll see that face for eight hours every day. Is it worth it?
Unless you are very much in love, it’s definitely not. The cons greatly outnumber any pros you might find. To add more troubles, also think about all the gossip and bad talk that you sleeping with your college might spur. I don’t know what do you think, but I believe that, despite I don’t give a damn about what everyone else thinks, to have rumors and gossip going on about me all over the place is just stupid and, over all, annoying. I don’t like it and I think it’s something to be avoided.
Friend’s Girlfriends or Exs
If you sleep with one of your friends’ girlfriend, you are an asshole and a very bad person. Wise men say thatwomen come and go, but friendships are meant to last forever. I pretty much agree on that and think that no woman, NONE, is worth destroying an important friendship. And mind, you’ll actually destroy any friendship if you go sleep with a friend’s girlfriend or some important Ex.
This is the case where I would omit giving any exception. Even if you are very much in love with a friend’s girlfriend, keep your head in place. You sleep with her and you’ll only make your friend hate you, you will lose the respect of your other friends and you’ll end up with a woman you know is a bad person too. Absolutely not worth it.
Though it may not have consequences as terrible as the first three, sleeping with one of your roommates is a very bad idea. The relationship with your roommates should always be as excellent as it could be – after all, they are the people who you share your place with. Sex could and will bring problems and possible conflicts into the atmosphere.
Wouldn’t you, in the end, feel odd bringing some other girl home if you already slept with one of your roommates? Even if you don’t, she will. It’s better to have roommates as great friends who you have a deep connection with, but just not sexual. Rather restrain yourself and make it clear from the beginning that you wouldn’t do it.
Don’t let your dick control your head. Follow your heart, but bear in mind the consequences your actions could have in the future. It’s really worth to destroy and bring problems into your future because of a bit of horniness? Think always about the abundance of women and just pick someone else!
Displaying Lower Value – Being a Loser
In many past articles I insisted on the concept of value and how important it is for you to raise it. I taught you different techniques and ways you achieve this and, as a consequence, become more attractive to women. But this time we’ll work on the other end of the deal. I’ll focus on which of your manners get your value down and thus kill the attraction you want to create. There’s no point in you becoming a great storyteller or a great cook if you keep taking your value down!
Overall, there’s one big value killer: the constant seeking of approval. Any low value man will be in a permanent search for approval and recognition from the others. This search for approval is shown off when you keep justifying, keep explaining and keep apologizing for your actions. It’s when you look needy and when you really care about what others think of you.
The truth is you don’t need to give a damn of what anyone else thinks of you. You don’t need THEM to approve your actions, nor to tell you what’s good and what’s wrong. You need to have your personality in place! So be sure of yourself and of what you believe – only apologize, justify and thoroughly explain your actions when you really, really fucked something up.
The other big value killer is the lack of social proof. Perhaps you are perfectly dressed and you are a great looking man, but if you are just one more dog in the pack, you won’t be as successful as you want. Who do you think is more attractive to women: a man who approaches, is charismatic, a leader and goes straight to the front or a man who is shy, nervous and, in the end, just one more guy in the group? Obviously, the first is more attractive! You got to be that first man – If you are man number two, your chances will be slim. Fortunately, this site has a lot of material that can help you becoming more like man number one. You could start by checking the articles on becoming a good speaker and also the one on charisma, for instance.
Finally, a low value man will also show off his lack of social proof by having a low voice volume in public, few friends, very weak body language and by not keeping consistent eye contact. You need to be exactly the contrary. You need to show you can withstand social pressure and that you are not intimidated by the role of the leader. You need to make the world see you are there, that you are actually a stand out of the crowd!
2 Girls Teach Sex Review
2 Girls Teach Sex
I had been writing my own Sex Manual for long – I wrote and rewrote countless articles until I found one program that made me scrap them all: it’s called 2 Girls Teach Sex and I’m fully endorsing it.
2 Girls Teach Sex is a sexual education product with live footage and with real porn stars – it’s high quality product for anyone looking for a real, solid and very explicit advice of what a man has to do in bed. Unlike the guide I wanted to write, this is a collection educational videos that can take the advice many steps further.
The 2 Girls Teach Sex program includes:
DVD 1 – ‘Multiple Orgasm Methods’
DVD 2 – ‘Forbidden Sex Secrets’
DVD 3 – ‘Advanced Sex Techniques For Guaranteed Orgasms’
DVD 4 – ‘Shawna’s Porn Star Sex Secrets’
Bonus DVD – ‘Secrets Of Squirting Orgasms’
The names in the program might be a little bit vague – but the DVDs cover it all. From kissing to foreplay, to stamina and some special sexual positions. They are mix of seminar with live demonstrations of the techniques – you’ll see the girls doing the magic and then you’ll have a step-by-step seminar of what they were doing.
A few things to know about the 2 Girls Teach Sex program:
#1 – The Techniques Are ADVANCED.
Many techniques and strategies caught me by surprise – and I guess that most will be unknown to most men too. I was really surprised with the level of the techniques included in the program, and believe that the knowledge will give anyone who knows them a big advantage compared to other guys.
And best, these techniques are all SIMPLE. Just by moving your finger in a certain way or positioning her legs in another one you can deliver her mind-blowing orgasm and improve your stamina. It’s advanced techniques but easy to learn – and the step-by-step guidance makes it very easy for you to dive into every small detail of the action.
Beyond plain sex, the techniques include how to tease, kiss, and undress a woman.
#2 – You’ll Get Very Valuable Seminar Advice.
The 2 Girls are the highlight and the soul of this program. But that’s not where 2 Girls Teach Sex ends. You’ll get high quality insight from Shawna and Jessica in the seminar DVDs and in the manual.
Shawna goes for a high goal: she wants to make women become addicted to you on a sexual level. Guaranteeing a sexual connection can get you a long way with women, and this seminar goes deep into what you need to do, step by step. It’s about the psychological tricks, the speak and the techniques to perform excellent regardless of your size or how long you last.
Both girls are real porn stars, so when it comes to sexual experience they know what they are talking about.
#3 – The Production High-end.
The DVDs have terrific image, sound and editing.
In fact, the editing is one of the highlights of the program. You’ll have text on-screen explaining you exactly what is that the girls are doing. Even the most absentminded guys will understand exactly what is they’ll have to do. The editing makes it easy.
Needless to say, the 2 Girls are very hot. You won’t be disappointed - in fact, it might distract you a little bit, eh!
#4 – It’s a Perfect Program for Those Insecure.
While I recommend this program to everyone, it’s those with little to no sexual experience who will benefit the most from it. Learning the techniques included in these DVDs will guarantee a big rise in your confidence in bed and in sex in general.
When I was beginning in sex I really didn’t know what to do, and that’s what made me the most nervous. Nerves in bed take a toll: loss of erection, premature ejaculation and all the worst evils – you don’t want that. While watching these DVDs won’t make you a sex maestro from one day to the other, they will impact your sexual life in a positive way.
2 Girls Teach Sex is my pick for sexual education.
I fully endorse this program. Learning these techniques will give you an enormous advantage and what you might need to rock in bed. It will take you weeks to try all the material out, but once you finish you’ll be playing in another league.
Girls’ Sex Signals
In the past I wrote about the ways girls show interest in men. The one-year old list is still one of the most popular articles on this website, but it still lacks something critical: depth. This post is going to go a bit deeper in that topic and explaining thoroughly some of the most important points in the list.
Before starting, remember: a single signal of these does not indicate total attraction to you. It’s still just an indicator of interest. Once these individual signals become more frequent and obvious, then it’s when you can be more certain that she’s interested in you.
Remember not to overreact to this signals. Don’t make your desire of success and excitement deceive you – take it nice and easy. Not every time she flocks her hair will mean she’s interested in you. The same applies to the contrary: if she doesn’t show this signals or does them very subtly it doesn’t mean she’s uninterested in you.
So here it is part of the upgraded and expanded list of what you should be looking for.
Hair Toss / Playing With Her Hair
Someone recently told me: “Lesbians usually have short hair, and that’s because it’s masculine.” It struck me, because it’s something obvious and simple and yet I had never really picked up on it. While we men usually keep it short, girls pride on their long, beautiful girl – it has always been like that.
A girl will proudly display her hair, and when she starts tossing it she’ll essentially be saying “look, I’m happy, confident, sexy and healthy.” That’s literally what a hair toss and the highlighting of her hair means. She wouldn’t do that to you if you she wasn’t interested, right?
The Lip Nibble
This one drives me crazy, and I’m sure it’s the same for you too. Apparently no one knows the reason behind this, but it’s uncontested that it gives us men a big push of excitement. Usually it goes like this: her lower lip is gently gripped by her teeth and then, after a few seconds, it’s sensually allowed to slip away.
Sometimes it’s a parody, right, but watch out for this one. When girls do the lip nibble in the right context it usually means you are only a few steps away from ending the job.
Tilt and Smile
You know it the moment you see it: the tilt and smile always means there’s something going on. The tilt is one of girls’ most common signals, literally meaning: “I’ve noticed you and like what I’m seeing.” The smile adds to this – it means she’s feeling good and she wants you to know it.
Most times, girls will tilt and smile at you a couple of times. It’s their seductive way of getting your attention.When they do it, they expect you to walk up to them and speak up. Make sure you don’t think about it too long – if you don’t, even after several times, get this signal she’ll give up on you.
Check back next week (or, better, if you haven’t already, subscribe) as I’ll post more of these signals in-depth.
Dating Danish Women
Just moved to Copenhagen, Denmark – finally! That’s the main reason behind the lack of updates – planning the trip, then apartment hunting, going out and starting life in such a different place is taking most of my time and energy.
But I’m not here to tell you my impressions from Copenhagen or travel experiences – no. What I’ll write this time is what I think and my experience with Scandinavian girls so far.
I’ll speak for Danish girls, but you can most likely draw the same conclusions for Norwegians and Swedish – they are not the same but still very similar.
As always, generalizations are never good. While I’ll give an overall opinion or point, there are obviously tons of exceptions!
It’s Not a Myth – Girls Are REALLY Beautiful
Valkyries, as one good friend pointed out – in reference to the mythological Nordic deities. And it’s not all about blonde and tall girls – it’s just that they are all good looking. It’s no less than incredible.
Their faces look neat – tidy, sexy and with just everything right. Add to that spectacular hair (blonde, black, brown and red all look good), deep bright eyes and a lovely white, soft and delicate skin.
Bodies follow suit – both tall and shorter girls have nice breasts, good butts and seductive legs. They eat well, do plenty of sports (people cycle everywhere here) and are blessed with good genetics. The outcome is perfect – at least when they are young!
They Are Equals to Men
Or even more manly than men are. I touched this topic a while back, but I constantly notice that girls in North Europe act more like men and guys act more like girls. Here girls approach guys, and guys spend hours grooming themselves in the bathroom before going out.
Weird to me – normal here. The conclusion is that just by approaching a girl you’ll be standing out. Back in Argentina it would be normal for me (and any other guy) to approach 10+ girls a night. And that’s a short, short estimate. Here people were scandalized when I told them what I did back home.
The ‘surprise effect’ of approaching girls here gives anyone doing it a big advantage. Girls won’t tell you to ‘die’ or ‘fuck off’ like they do in Argentina even after you only said a simple ‘hello’. If you come up with the right lines or look fun and easy going you’ll be off to a good start.
Approaching Outside Clubs Works Best
Being a foreigner always has benefits when it comes to flirting. I abuse of my Spanish/Italian English accent and it gives me terrific results. By some reason girls love it and I show it off everywhere.
That, along my will to learn the language (something special, as I’m the only one who cares about learning Danish among my group of friends) makes me a good choice for a ‘coffee’. And you know what happens when coffees go good: they turn into beers, dates, etc.
The trick is to be nice and fun all times. It’s all about saying ‘hi’ enough, smiling lots and making comments that will brighten the girl’s days up. It costs nothing and nobody does it – it’s perfect to stand out in the positive way.
They Are Cold – But Not THAT Much
I have only been here for ten days, so I can’t give a decisive opinion on how cold girls are here. But they are certainly warmer than I expected.
And, unlike Germans and other Central Europeans, they are not completely useless when it comes to cooking and doing household things – something that at least I consider important in a woman.
It’s a nice surprise. As hot girls could be here, I can never consider them potential girlfriends if they are not a bit hot blooded. I’ve been raised to like one way of living and like that way of living. I can compromise for a bit less – I don’t demand girls to be perfect, but I certainly want them to be women.
That’s all for now – hopefully I’ll have lots of new insights and more to tell you in the coming weeks. I’ll push myself hard – you need to be here to see how gorgeous these girls are!
How To Get More Comfortable With Women
In the past, I’ve explained you how you could, through some real life exercises, start overcoming your shyness.Now we are going to go further down the road and get you much more comfortable approaching and speaking with women. Again, we’ll achieve this through simple and practical ways. And this will be easy – all you need to do go for a few hours to the mall or, if your city doesn’t have one, to some busy commercial street.
Before you get going with these simple techniques, I suggest you to read the article on becoming a good speaker and knowing how to get dressed. They’ll give you a plus and get you more confident from the very beginning. So, now into the tasks… Once you get to the mall, you’ll have three things to do and keep doing for the whole of the time you are there.
The first one is to get eye contact with any good looking woman that walks by you. Look directly into their eyes and keep contact until they look away. Don’t do this in a creepy, mysterious way. Be natural and don’t exaggerate, but just look at them. This way you’ll start getting more comfortable and used to keeping eye contact with women. It’s especially important for you to achieve this! Not only it will help your overall pick up performance but it will also get your confidence naturally higher.
Second, you’ll have to get inside every shop and speak with all the saleswomen. Enter men’s stores and go straight to them. Ask them which clothes they think suit you better, etc. Also, enter any women’s stores and speak with the sales girls too. Tell them you got this girlfriend away and that she is visiting you soon. Tell them that you want to impress her with a new dress – so make them recommend you something. Do this in the shops the mall has. The first couple of times you might be shy and maybe unnatural – But keep doing this until you get really comfortable.
Finally, the last thing you should do is to stop any woman you see in the corridors and ask her if she knows where/in which floor a certain store is. It doesn’t matter if the mall is full of maps and instructions, just ask her. The goal is not to pick these girls up, but to at least establish a short conversation with them and to get comfortable with approaching strangers. So, as soon as you get inside the mall go ahead and ask. Do this several times and you’ll see results coming.
As a conclusion, remember that if you want to get comfortable and become successful picking up women, yougot to do a lot of hard work. Even if you find this boring and you are not willing to spend your days off doing this, mind that success won’t come alone. You have to be fully dedicated and the more energy and commitment you put into it, the faster will the results come. So get down to the mall and start getting these things done! It won’t take long until you see the first results!
Learning From Movie Characters
There are some memorable movie performances that you should watch and imitate. After all, you can definitely learn a lot from movies. Not only about culture and history – You can also learn to become more attractive to women. The way the some characters walk, how they speak and what they inspire in women are all things you should take a look at.
Below is a list of five of these movie characters. These men are successful with women in their movies and would also be in the real world. Why? All of them, in one way or another, have a unique trait that makes them strongly attractive. I’ll analyze this trait and show you how you could achieve it yourself. Now, take the path you would like the most of all! The article may contain spoilers – be careful!
James Bond (Daniel Craig) – Casino Royale
An easy pick, right? Bond always got the girls he wanted. Without being especially handsome nor being someone with a lot of natural charisma, he still always got the highest prized women. But it’s not his MI6 00-Agent role or his license to kill what make him all he is. It’s the manhood he inspires.
In Casino Royale’s specific case, we see how a first hard-to-get woman with a very strong personality (Eva Green) finally falls to Bond. Yet it’s not his lines (which, by the way, are quite good) or his reputation what make her fall for him. Instead, it’s the safety he inspires: the feeling of making her feel protected and in good hands. He holds her tight, looks at her into her eyes, always looks in control and, above all, he has an overwhelming confidence in himself.
You don’t have to be Bond to have all these qualities (though it would be cool to be him, right?) But this manhood and confidence is also present in thousands of others. Some men, even in the most simple situations and moments make their woman feel safe, in good hands and protected – just like James Bond does. You could do that too.
Watch the movie, analyze and imitate Daniel Craig. Be the character! Also, these two articles will give you a hand becoming even a bit more like James Bond: Overcoming shyness and becoming more comfortable with women.
Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) – Raiders of the Lost Ark
Another superhero – My personal favorite this time! Indy is fantastic. The guy is a handsome university professor who in his free time goes in search of amazing treasures, ancient lost cities and a bit of Nazi ass-kicking. He is definitely a woman’s dream. He is a synonym of protection and manhood too, but not as much and in the same sense Bond is. The true nature of his awesomeness is his adventurous personality.
Indy promises adventure, promises and inspires women to see the world, discover fascinating mysteries and, in the end, have a much more interesting and fulfilling life. You can do that too! And, honestly, you don’t need to go to the tropical jungles of Peru to have a bit of adventure. You can bring adventure into your and her life at any moment – you just have to focus on it! After all, just imagine how mediocre most men are – offer a bit more and you’ll be already into some serious deal.
As with Bond, watch this movie and get a bit of inspiration! The article on unique and amazing first dates gets straight to the point in adding adventure to your relationships.
Don Juan (Johnny Depp) – Don Juan DeMarco
This is a special movie with a couple of very special characters. If you haven’t watched it already, buy it! Depp plays this guy who truly believes he is Don Juan, the world’s greatest lover. He is so confident in himself and on the amazing pleasure he can give to women that they actually start falling for him. He arouses them and makes them feel more women – acting as a total sexual master.
Women love good sex and will be poised to fall for personalities like this. Make a woman feel she’ll find amazing pleasure in you and you’ll have a hit in the making. Be open about it. Don Juan tells these women, with confident and seriousness, that they would never leave his arms unsatisfied. He promises the greatest pleasure they’ll ever experience. But this won’t only attract women; it will also help you keeping them. A woman may be much less willing to leave you if you make her feel a queen in bed.
Watch the movie, get a Don Juan attitude and make a commitment with yourself on becoming a master of the arts of sex. I strongly suggest you to read the about oral sex and giving amazing pleasure as well as how to become a better lover.
Edward Bloom (Ewan McGregor) – Big Fish
This guy is the ultimate symbol of charisma and ambition – you just got to love him. He is a successful young man, with lots of guts and loved by everyone. He’s always positive, with a big smile and he wins the hearts of lots of ladies. Once he finds the one he wants to settle with, he does the impossible to get her attention, taking her from another man and finally conquering her heart in an amazing way. He adds flavor to everything he says – becoming a magical story teller.
The more like Edward you are, the more successful you’ll be with women. He is spontaneous, energetic, open and also inspiring. But, above all, he is ambitious. He gets what he wants – and women feel attracted to men like that. The more you are like him, the more successful you’ll be with women. Of course that’s not easy to achieve all this – but you certainly can if you commit and give hard work to it.
If haven’t already, you definitely have to watch the movie. It’s funny, lovely and full of amazing quotes. As for the suggested material, you should check on how to become a great storyteller and how to be charismatic.
Jesse (Ethan Hawke) – Before Sunrise
Jesse is, unlike the other four, a normal guy as I am or you could be. He is not necessarily charismatic, strong and neither is a master lover. But there’s something special in him – he is full of magic inside. Out of the blue he invents, along with the great backup that is Celine (Julie Delpy), a unique night in a unique city (I LOVE Vienna, in case you didn’t know.) For the short period of just hours together Jesse and Celine create a bond that will last for the rest of their lives. He achieves this by making the moment together a unique and unrepeatable adventure.
He convinces her to get down from the train with him and spend the night together wandering off the streets of Vienna. Though at the beginning two strangers, they manage to build together one of the most memorable romances in film history. They achieve this talking deep, sharing experiences and inspiring one another to make the moment unforgettable. They fall in love and make of it something neither of them will ever forget – no matter how many others will come.
That is all what romance is about. You have to make the time together something she’ll never forget, and inspire her and change her from the inside, so once she meets you it will be a before and after moment in her life, want it or not. I feel really indentified with Jesse because I’m that kind of guy and experiences like this happened in my life. But the truth is that you have to look for them, you have to work hard because they just won’t come alone. Search for this opportunities and be prepared to be a great man to make the most of them.
I had written about this movie before and I’ll keep doing it in the future. It’s just fantastic. If one movie changed me, it’s this one. So better watch it guys! Read as well the article on making your girlfriend never forget you – it goes into this but a bit deeper.