Getting a Girlfriend

This article is about overcoming difficult times and finding your so wanted girlfriend. It may possibly happen that for months, if not years, you might be in a really bad streak with women. Long time without sex or a girlfriend can be terrible and could give a serious blow to your self-esteem. It may happen that you might start blaming yourself as a failure and perhaps you might even find uncomfortable going out and socializing with other people. This happens to many men all the time and everyone can get through. You just need commitment, belief and a good deal of hard work. So, let’s break up where you should focus on and the reasons for your failure. If you think you are fine in one of these points, jump to the next one.

You don’t meet women

If you just don’t meet women, the logic is that you will find it hard to land a girlfriend. Just think about it – How many new girls did you meet during the last month? Your chances finding a partner are proportional to your answer. The more women you know, the more possibilities you’ll have. So your first and most important step has to be in that direction.

To meet hundreds of women you don’t necessarily need to go out every day. That can keep being an option, but there are other possibilities you could consider if you are not the club type of guy. For example, try joining groups, take courses (dancing, speaking… Something that will raise your value and where you can meet women at the same time,) go to art exhibitions and join the new communities thriving on the Internet. The possibilities are endless and it’s not so hard to start meeting women. You just need to move your ass a little bit.

No time/Job too tiring are not excuses. If you job really doesn’t give you any time for social life, I’ll suggest you finding yourself another one. After all, you don’t need more than a couple hours a week to do all this.

You are unattractive to women

Imagine you meet many girls, but because one thing or the other you always end up being unattractive to them. That’s possible, happens all of the time and it’s definitely not good. In this case you should be honest with yourself and completely self-critical. There must be something that makes you unwanted in the eyes of women and your duty is to find out what. That something can not at all be about your looks – most of the times it’s something about your personality.

Find your weak points and the causes of your low value. Work on them and build the necessary attributes to become more attractive. Learn to speak and to be charismatic, dress up well and learn to tell good stories.Practice eye contact, body language and all those things that could make you become more seductive. Work hard for it – results won’t come in a few days time. But with consistency, in the end, they will.

You can’t get beyond first base

If you ask a girl out and she agrees, she’s interested in you. Perhaps not that much, but you will have some chances. No girl goes out with a guy just out of pity – there’s always something. The key to win is to make the most and potentiate that interest. A girl might go out with you one or two times, but she will dump you fast if you happen to be a horrible player.

Potentiate what interests her by displaying further value, social proof and having an amazing couple of first dates. Think on what of you is she attracted the most to and keep building on that. Don’t play conservative – just show the best of you. Finally, don’t lose your chances. You’ll have to kiss when you have to kiss and take her to bed when the time comes. Don’t let time pass – Do things when you should.

Overcoming The Anxiety With Approaching Women

Imagine a situation like this: you are in the club, in a bar or maybe in the street. There you see the woman you want, lightning strikes and you are dying to speak with her. What should you do? The answer lies in the Pick Up Artists’ 3 Second Rule.

If there’s only one thing I could take from the PUAs, it is that one rule. It is the ultimate and wisest thing they ever invented. The concept is simple: approach the girl you want in less than three seconds after you saw her. That is – do it immediately, without hesitation. Just go for it! This is GREAT and it’s what all men who want to get better at approaching should do. Let me explain you why.

By immediately approaching you don’t leave time for your brain to start thinking up excuses, getting yourself nervous and making the situation odd. It’s a matter of intent and manhood – girls just feel it. They know if you were gathering strength to approach her or you just did it spontaneously. And the latter proves to be much more successful!

Even if you don’t have anything to say, it’s better to go and say “Hello, how are you?” but going right off. Combine this with a confident and loud voice and you are into some business. If you want, you could add or use some pick up line, as it could be possible for you that you feel more confident if you have something to say straight of the bat. But line or no line, you just go.

As every time you approach a woman, remember and have very clear that you might very well get rejected. But just get over it – It’s better to go and approach, forget about the possible rejection and don’t go home thinking you should have approached that one girl. It’s better to go to sleep thinking that at least you tried. And, for sure, the more you try, the more success you’ll have.

How To Know If A Girl Is Interested In You

A girl who is interested in you might show it through two possible ways. First, she will give you subtle hints that she is becoming increasingly attracted to you. She’ll smile at what you say, she’ll try to keep the conversation going and maybe she’ll even touch you. The second way is much harder to read – it’s about theselittle things she does unconsciously when she is becoming more and more attracted to you.

Following is a list of all those things women do that fall into those two criteria. I compiled it through my personal experiences and also coupled it with some great material I have found in the Internet.

A girl is interested in you when…

She laughs while talking to you
• When comes back after going to the bathroom
• When sitting next to you her leg touches yours
• She asks if you have a girlfriend
• She avoids mentioning her boyfriend
She reinitiates conversation when you stop talking
• She seats with her legs opened
• She giggles
• She introduces you to friends
• She buys you a drink
She touches you
• She returns your calls
• She looks back and glances at you repeatedly every minute or so.
• She tosses her hair (to see if you will look)
• If eye contact happens from a distance, she holds it
• When she says or does something, she looks at you to see your reactions
• She smiles at you
• Her skin tone becomes red while being around you
• She stands nearby
• She laughs in unison with you
• She plays with her hair while talking to you
• She asks for your name
• She asks for your age
• She compliments you
• In a crowd she speaks only to you and focuses all of her undivided attention on you
• She uses nicknames for you
• She asks you where are you going as you leave the bar
• She calls you a player or a heartbreaker
• She is playful and tries to challenge you
• She leans into you
• She degrades other women
• She starts qualifying herself
• She wets her lips
• She raises both eyebrows exaggeratedly for a couple of seconds, this is often combined with a smile and some eye contact
• She is fixing, patting or smoothing her outfit to make herself look better
• She is throwing her hair back off her shoulders
• She twirls her hair around her fingers while she is looking at you
• She exposes the palms of her hand facing you
• She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated
• She plays with her jewellery, especially with stroking and pulling motions
• If she is wearing clothes that show her nipples underneath and you notice they are getting perky and erect
• She rubs her chin or touches her cheek.
• If seated, she starts sitting straight up and her muscles appear to be firm
• She raises or lowers the volume of her voice to match yours
• She sits with one hand touching one of her breasts

And more! The list will keep being updated in the near future and you are all invited to contribute leaving your own in the comments section just below.

Personally I don’t follow these rules that much. I’m a bit more of a feelings guy and generally notice when a girl is into me or not. You probably will do too once you have a bit more of practice and experience with women. But experience or not, these points above keep true. If you know them all and are skilled when reading them, you will only have gains. It will give you a great hand!

Attracting The Woman You Want

Post image for Attracting The Woman You Want

This is hands down the ultimate value riser technique. Read through!

“He must have something!” That’s exactly what all women start thinking once they see a man, attractive or not, who is hanging around with this really good looking girl. They’ll scan him through and think about all those qualities he could have, and which are the secrets that made him get such a gorgeous looking lady. They will look into which could be his charm and what’s so special in him that one amazing woman is spending her time with him. Be that man and in the eyes of all those other women you’ll be a winner and nothing else.

This is exactly why all men should find the way to have one or two very attractive women friends, even if they are just that – only friends. The idea is to have a good feeling with them, enough to go out together once a while. They could be some ex classmates, friends in common and so on, but always with a friendship link which you could use as an outstanding weapon to go and seduce other women. Just suppose, for instance, that you are at a bar with one or two of these really pretty girls and want to go and hit on another one. It will obviously be easier – as, friend or not, you already have the aura of being a man who is surrounded by good looking girls.

The truth is that it’s not that hard to some wing girls as these. After all, women like to have friends whom they could trust, whom they could speak their doubts with and also whom could clarify their doubts about men (their friends make most of the job, but all women love to have some masculine advice too.) It’s because of this that’s not so hard to initiate a friendship with one of these “goddesses”. After all, most of the men who approach them do it just with the aim of sleeping with them. Be different! Sometimes it’s not a loser’s thing to be just friends – it could also be a great idea.

So then, go and look for this gorgeous friend! It could be an old classmate, co worker, family, cousin or even your sister. Maybe a teacher, trainer or someone you meet in some dancing lesson. Not every relationship has to be a date – resist the temptation and settle for friends. Then, where ever you go with a woman as attractive as these the imagination and thoughts of the others will be insane!

The Best Romantic Songs

Beautiful Women - Katy Perry

If you got one song you love and you think it could be a wonderful suggestion to our readers, leave it in the comments section. We’ll keep the list updated!Dani launched a campaign in Facebook asking men and women from all around the world which were their favorite romantic songs. Here are the results! If you were looking for advice and suggestions in the area, in this post you’ll have a few! I was really surprised finding a lot of great material I didn’t even know about!

• Suggested by Mario: Mr Big – To be with you
• Suggested by Silvia: U2 – With or without you
• Suggested by Mario: Damien Rice – Volcano
• Suggested by Stixx: George Michael – Careless Whisper
• Suggested by Ghaith: Kenny Rodgers – Lady
• Suggested by Jovan: Chris Isaak – Wicked Game
• Suggested by Jojo: Chicago – I don’t want to live with you
• Suggested by Noel: Hazel O’Connor – Will you
• Suggested by Nikki: The Beatles – Something
• Suggested by Selene: Rebecca St. James – Wait for me
• Suggested by Nasheel: Morcheeba – World Looking In
• Suggested by Ulandi: Enigma – I Love You
• Suggested by Thando: Fairground Attraction – Perfect
• Suggested by Mario: Kath Bloom – Come Here
• Suggested by Ahmed: Bon Jovi – Bed of roses
• Suggested by Stuart: Live – Dancing with you
• Suggested by Ousama: Claude Barzotti – Aime moi
• Suggested by Gary: KC and Jojo – All my life
• Suggested by Chris: R. Kelly – If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time
• Suggested by Faisal: The Verve – Lucky Time
• Suggested by Marlon: Gary Wright – Love is Alive
• Suggested by Joe: The Used – Smother Me
• Suggested by David: Silent Lucidity – Queensryche
• Suggested by Bill: DJ Sammy – Were in heaven

Note! We don’t have ANY rights to these songs nor to their distribution. The links in YouTube are for you just to preview these tracks and if you like them, you can purchase the songs or the whole albums. This site doesn’t encourage piracy.

Poems Seduce Girls

Beautiful Argentinean Girl

Poetry is something greatly undervalued. Despite being a long shot from waning, its charm and power are today, it appears, long forgotten. Poems and the poet itself are still now though, perhaps more than ever, a mighty force when it comes to picking up women.

Let me give you a direct personal example of how this is possible and they way it works. Jumping back a few years into the past, I was in this little Argentinean countryside town for our own version of the traditional Oktoberfest. I was spending the weekend there with a couple of friends, enjoying the taste of homebrewed beer and the sight of amazing women (Argentinean girls, in case you don’t know, are very good looking.) Everything was alright and I was having a great time… But then came Mariel.

She was the Queen of the town and, as such, also from the festival. You might guess how beautiful she was. After all, these town and city queens are always in another league. For me, as probably with many other guys there, it was love at first sight. But the difference between me and the rest of the guys was that I was willing to do something about it. Everyone was yelling, shouting love and so on – But no one was going to go as far as I did!

If you have been reading this site for a little while already you might have noticed I’m a bit crazy. Not everyone crashes weddings or sneaks into the Sheraton’s swimming pool right? But well, fun or not, sometimes you need to have crazy and special attitudes as these if you want to have success! I WANTED that girl and I started to think all the possible ways I could pick her up. My friends and everyone else thought I had no chances, laughed at me and insisted it was impossible to get her. Alright, she was the queen but guys you must know that there’s no impossible woman, just a few who are prohibited.

So as soon as we got back to our hostel that night I started searching for Neruda poetry. I’m not a gifted poet myself, so it was just fine to borrow a few lines from the genius and adapt them to the Queen. I wrote a few drafts and the next day, when I saw her on the scenario, I was inspired enough to give the work the final touches. No one believed in me, but I was convinced that I had gold in my hands.

Once the work of art was finished, I went forward in my search for glory. I was going to get that woman; I had 100% belief I would. Of course, it’s not easy to get to these girls but I was really luck as to find the nicest people ever in the security entrance. They were part of the organizing team and were thrilled with my story and with the poem I was so decided to read. So they smiled at me and told me “We’ll bring her, wait here.” Bingo!

In the meantime people started gathering around me as the buzz started to run. My friends looked speechless as more than a hundred people were already around us. And then came the Queen. I looked her into the eyes, smiled and with everyone in the crowd yelling in my favor, I started reading her the poem. It was good, funny and even a bit cocky. She looked happy and I was certain that she was having a lot of fun hearing me read. After I finished, the crowd, which had been continuously growing, started clapping, shouting “genius” and then, all together “Kiss! Kiss!”

A humble common guy from the crowd had stood out and got the Queen herself! The biggest prize of all – After that, everyone in the party kept congratulating me the whole night; the other girls couldn’t believe it and my friends were astonished. To this day, the Queen and I are still good friends (pity those 1000 kms that separate us!)

This is just an example guys – Just to let you see how far can someone go with a poem and a bit of charm. By no means a poem will get you a girl by itself, but it can act as a platform for you to impress. It’s one way, one excuse for you to stand out from all those other men who do nothing. Make sure to couple it with a great presentation (I was well dressed, spoke loud and clear and kept looking her at the eyes) and you can hit gold!

Still, poems, despite being a top picking up strategy, are not something you should use all the time. You could do it if you want to, but it’s better to keep them for a spontaneous and unexpected moment. Don’t go to a bar with pen and paper but instead write something spontaneously in the subway/bus and tell a girl you like that she inspired you, etc.

Finally, remember that if you don’t do this with absolute confidence and belief in yourself you’ll look like a creep and weirdo. Instead, if you speak loud, sure of yourself and directly from your heart the girl will never forget you!

For those non believers of this story, there’s a video of me reading the poem to the Queen. If you want to take a look at it, I’ll post in the Facebook Group for all those in the community who want to watch it!

The Best Movie Quotes You Can Learn

Beautiful Women - Jessica Joy

Not so long ago I wrote about movie characters you could imitate and learn important things from. There’s a lot you can take from them and that will make you become more attractive in the eyes of women. I wrote especially about what makes them unique and which aspect of their personality you should try to build for yourself.

What I’m going to do now is to write down which are, in my opinion, the best quotes and dialogues these characters give. You don’t have to go and memorize all of these – but I’m sure that you’ll find one or a couple of quotes you’ll love to have in hand for the future. Beware of the spoilers if you haven’t watched any of the five movies.

James Bond (Daniel Craig)Casino Royale

Vesper Lynd: It doesn’t bother you? Killing all those people?
James Bond: Well I wouldn’t be very good at my job if it did.

James Bond: Why is it that people who can’t take advice always insist on giving it?

Solange: [they are kissing on the floor of his beachfront suite] You like married women… don’t you, James?
James Bond: It keeps things simple.
Solange: [laughs] What is it about bad men? You… my husband. I had so many chances to be happy, so many nice guys. Why can’t nice guys be more like you?
James Bond: Because then they’d be bad.

James Bond: I’m sorry I’m not sorry.

Vesper Lynd: I can’t resist waking you. Every time I do you look at me as if you hadn’t seen me in years. Makes me feel reborn.
James Bond: If you had just been born wouldn’t you be naked?

Vesper Lynd: If the only thing left of you was your smile and your little finger, you’d still be more of a man than anyone I’ve ever known.
James Bond: That’s because you know what I can do with my little finger…

Vesper Lynd: I’m afraid I’m a complicated woman.
James Bond: That is something to be afraid of.

Don Juan (Johnny Depp)Don Juan DeMarco

Don Juan: There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same: only love.

Don Juan: By seeing beyond what is visible to the eye. Now there are those, of course, who do not share my perceptions, it’s true. When I say that all my woman are dazzling beauties, they object. The nose of this one is too large; the-the hips of another, they are too wide; perhaps the breasts of a third, they are too small. But I see these women for how they truly are… glorious, radiant, spectacular, and perfect, because, I am not limited by my eyesight. Women react to me the way that they do, Don Octavio, because they sense that I search out the beauty that dwells within until it overwhelms everything else. And then they cannot avoid their desire, to release that beauty and envelope me in it. So, to answer your question, I see as clear as day that this great edifice in which we find ourselves is your villa. It is your home. And as for you, Don Octavio DeFlores, you are a great lover like myself, even though you may have lost your way and your accent. Shall I continue?

Don Juan: No woman has ever left my arms unsatisfied.

Don Juan: Every woman is a mystery to be solved.

Don Juan: I give women pleasure, if they desire, it is of course the greatest pleasure they will ever experience.

Don Juan: There are those that do not believe that a single soul born in heaven can split into twin spirits and shoot like falling stars to earth where over oceans and continents their magnetic forces will finally unite them back into one. But, how else to explain love at first sight? We were convinced that there was no other life beneath the sky but ours. We believed that we would never die. Don Juan: Every true lover knows that the moment of greatest satisfaction comes when ecstasy is long over and he beholds before him the flower which has blossomed beneath his touch.

Don Juan: You know, my friend, until this afternoon, I had always believed that a man could love only one woman. I have been badly misled. It is absolutely incredible to me that just a few hours ago, Dona Julia was the only woman who existed, and now, now, there is the magnificent Sultana Gulbeyaz.

Edward Bloom (Ewan McGregor)Big Fish

Young Ed Bloom: There’s a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny’s lost, the ship has sailed and that only a fool will continue. The truth is I’ve always been a fool.

Young Ed Bloom: I just saw the woman I’m going to marry. I know it. But I lost her.
Amos Calloway: Oh, tough break. Well, most men have to get married *before* they lose their wives.
Young Ed Bloom: I’m gonna spend every day for the rest of my life looking for her. That, or die alone!

Will Bloom: You know about icebergs, dad?
Senior Ed Bloom: Do I? I saw an iceberg once. They were hauling it down to Texas for drinking water. They didn’t count on there being an elephant frozen inside. The wooly kind. A mammoth.
Will Bloom: Dad!
Senior Ed Bloom: What?
Will Bloom: I’m trying to make a metaphor here.
Senior Ed Bloom: Well you shouldn’t have started with a question, because most people want to answer questions. You should’ve started with “the thing about icebergs is.”

Young Ed Bloom: Now I may not have much, but I have more determination then any man you’re ever likely to meet.

Karl: I don’t want to eat you. I just get so hungry. I’m just too big.
Young Ed Bloom: Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you’re not too big? That maybe this place is just too small?

[When meeting young Sandra Templeton for the first time]
Young Ed Bloom: You don’t know me but my name is Edward Bloom and I love you.

Young Ed Bloom: Sandra Templeton, I love you and I WILL marry you.

Sandra Bloom: You don’t even know me.
Young Ed Bloom: I have the rest of my life to find out.

Josephine: I’d like to take your picture.
Senior Ed Bloom: Oh, you don’t need a picture. Just look up “handsome” in the dictionary.

Young Ed Bloom: There comes a point when any reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit he made a mistake. The truth is… I was never a reasonable man.

Senior Ed Bloom: Most men, they’ll tell you a story straight through. It won’t be complicated, but it won’t be interesting either.

Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford)Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Last Crusade & Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones: Archaeology is the search for fact… not truth. If it’s truth you’re looking for, Dr. Tyree’s philosophy class is right down the hall.

Indiana Jones: Listen. Since I’ve met you I’ve nearly been incinerated, drowned, shot at, and chopped into fish bait. We’re caught in the middle of something sinister here, my guess is dad found out more than he was looking for and until I’m sure, I’m going to continue to do things the way I think they should be done.

Indiana Jones: Nazis. I hate these guys.

Professor Henry Jones: You say this has been just another typical day for you huh?
Indiana Jones: NO. It’s been better than most.

Indiana Jones: You want to be a good archaeologist…
[Mutt drives them out of the building on his motorcycle]
Indiana Jones: …you’ve got to get out of the library!

Indiana Jones: What’s your mom’s name again?
Mutt Williams: Mary. Mary Williams. You remember her?
Indiana Jones: There’ve been a lot of Marys, kid.

Marion Ravenwood: [Indy cuts Marion loose, and removes gag] I’m sure I wasn’t the only person to go on with my life. There must have been plenty of women for you over the years.
Indiana Jones: Yeah. There were a few, but they all had the same problem.
Marion Ravenwood: Yeah? What’s that?
Indiana Jones: [Indy cuts through roof] They weren’t you, honey.

Jesse (Ethan Hawke)Before Sunrise

Jesse: Alright, I have an admittedly insane idea, but if I don’t ask you this it’s just, uh, you know, it’s gonna haunt me the rest of my life
Celine: What?
Jesse: Um… I want to keep talking to you, y’know. I have no idea what your situation is, but, uh, but I feel like we have some kind of, uh, connection. Right?
Celine: Yeah, me too.
Jesse: Yeah, right, well, great. So listen, so here’s the deal. This is what we should do. You should get off the train with me here in Vienna, and come check out the capital.
Celine: What?
Jesse: Come on. It’ll be fun. Come on.
Celine: What would we do?
Jesse: Umm, I don’t know. All I know is I have to catch an Austrian Airlines flight tomorrow morning at 9:30 and I don’t really have enough money for a hotel, so I was just going to walk around, and it would be a lot more fun if you came with me. And if I turn out to be some kind of psycho, you know, you just get on the next train.
Jesse: Alright, alright. Think of it like this: jump ahead, ten, twenty years, okay, and you’re married. Only your marriage doesn’t have that same energy that it used to have, y’know. You start to blame your husband. You start to think about all those guys you’ve met in your life and what might have happened if you’d picked up with one of them, right? Well, I’m one of those guys. That’s me y’know, so think of this as time travel, from then, to now, to find out what you’re missing out on. See, what this really could be is a gigantic favor to both you and your future husband to find out that you’re not missing out on anything. I’m just as big a loser as he is, totally unmotivated, totally boring, and, uh, you made the right choice, and you’re really happy.
Celine: Let me get my bag.

Jesse: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Celine: Yeah. Yeah, it’s interesting.
Jesse: Yeah, right. Well, most people, you know, a lot of people talk about past lives and things like that, you know? And even if they don’t believe it in some specific way, you know, people have some kind of notion of an eternal soul, right?
Celine: Yeah.
Jesse: OK, well this was my thought: 50,000 years ago, there are not even a million people on the planet. 10,000 years ago, there’s, like, two million people on the planet. Now there’s between five and six billion people on the planet, right? Now, if we all have our own, like, individual, unique soul, right, where do they all come from? You know, are modern souls only a fraction of the original souls? ‘Cause if they are, that represents a 5,000 to 1 split of each soul in the last 50,000 years, which is, like, a blip in the Earth’s time. You know, so at best we’re like these tiny fractions of people, you know, walking… I mean, is that why we’re so scattered? You know, is that why we’re all so specialized?
Celine: I don’t know. Wait a minute, I’m not sure… I don’t…
Jesse: Yeah, hang on, hang on. It’s a, it’s a totally scattered thought. It… which is kind of why it makes sense.

Jesse: There’s these breeds of monkeys, right, and all they do is have sex, all the time, you know? And they turn out to be the least violent, the most peaceful, the most happy, you know? So maybe fooling around isn’t so bad.
Celine: Are you talking about monkeys?
Jesse: Yes I’m talking about monkeys.
Celine: Ah, I thought so…

Jesse: Why is it, that a dog, sleeping in the sun, is so beautiful, y’know, it is, it’s beautiful, but a guy, standing at a bank machine, trying to take some money out, looks like a complete moron?

Jesse: I kind of see this all love as this, escape for two people who don’t know how to be alone. People always talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing, but if you think about it, there’s nothing more selfish.

Jesse: I’m having kind of an odd situation here, which is that… is… you see that girl over there? Yeah, well, this is our only night together. Here’s the problem: The problem is that she wants a bottle of red wine, and I don’t have any money. I was thinking that you might want to, um, give me the address of this bar, no, I know… and I would promise to send you the money, and you would make our night complete
Bartender: You would send me the money?
Jesse: Yes.

Jesse: I feel like this is, uh, some dream world we’re in, y’know.
Celine: Yeah, it’s so weird. It’s like our time together is just ours. It’s our own creation. It must be like I’m in your dream, and you in mine, or something.
Jesse: And what’s so cool is that this whole evening, all our time together, shouldn’t officially be happening.
Celine: Yeah, I know. Maybe that’s why this feels so otherworldly.

Jesse: Listen, if somebody gave me the choice right now, of to never see you again or to marry you, alright, I would marry you, alright. And maybe that’s a lot of romantic bullshit, but people have gotten married for a lot less.

Jesse: [stops Celine and positions her in front of him at arm's length]
Celine: What?
Jesse: Uh… I’m gonna take your picture. So I never forget you or, uh, or all this.


Movies, in the end, are full of great quotes. I would love if the list included classics as Casablanca, Matrix, the Notebook and so many more. For now, I stick with these five as they are the ones I’ve analyzed before. All this serves as a compliment to that analysis. Expect a collection of random quotes and pick up lines soon in the future!

The Best Places To Take Girls

Beautiful Women - Florentine Lahme

The trick is that the preparation won’t come in the way of practicing what you are going to say, staying an hour in front of the mirror or thinking about all the possible situations that could happen. No – The preparation takes place on the field and essentially where you want to take the girl to.One good day you might just want to go for a coffee, drink or dinner with your date. Though I have a very particular view on how first dates should be, I still take girls out to bars and restaurants too. It’s not something bad. On the contrary, it will happen sooner or later. And you better be prepared!

The best place to take a girl is where you stand out, where you are not one more guest. It’s a bar or restaurant where the staff breaks their heart for you to succeed and have a great time. A place where the guys in the entrance know you, where you call the waiters by name and where you are sure to make her feel excellent.

Are there many places like that? Of course there are! It’s all a matter of being wise, a matter of going frequently to the place, speaking with the staff, establishing a bond and, above all, leaving great tips. That’s what I mean with preparation.

In those kinds of places the employers are always in a rush, hearing complaints from hundreds of guests daily and with no one really caring about them. You have to be different. If you go often to a certain place, speak with these people, ask them how they are feeling, ask them to tell you something about their lives and always leave them a high tip. You’ll stand out and they will want to help you.

It’s not hard to achieve this and it’s something you all should do. Go out continuously to the same restaurants and bars for a little while, make yourself a regular. The differences will be huge. If there are no tables, they will find one for you. Any problem will be solved fast, they will want to help. It all for the better! All this will make your date feel better, plus it’s a solid showing of social proof.

Beyond these relationships, there are still many more benefits of going consistently to the same places. You’ll know which are the best things to order, which is the best time to go and, above all, how to make the girl more comfortable in that scenario. It just makes sense!

Attracting Beautiful Women

Beautiful Women - Marila Moreno

A very attractive woman is and feels like a star.
If you don’t treat her as such, you might never even have a chance on them. Here’s a contradiction to the theory of value, because with these kinds of women you’ll be implying that their value is higher than yours. It’s not a big deal, really, because your goal here must be to have –in her eyes- a higher value than all the other men.This site, after all, is about dating beautiful women. So I guess it’s about time for me to start giving you some direct insight on that specific topic. The one most important thing you should know about the very attractive girls is that they know they are beautiful. It may be easy to think and to conclude that, but the truth is that not many men act around beautiful women as if they already knew that.

If you want to have a shot with these women you need to make them feel the best, but there are ways and ways of doing so. Nice comments, a pretty message or some shout of love could always be cute, but they won’t mean anything – after all, she’ll be used to them, they’ll be a commodity. What do you have to do then? You have to be a player and you’ll have to do all those things than all the other men would be shy and reluctant to. With this I mean some charming, funny but really exaggerated gesture of love. She’ll be used to praising from all the other men, so this has to be something that at least slightly surprises and makes her smile.

Take for instance, this guy. He was not handsome, at all, and was driving this standard car through the avenue. He was on his way somewhere, but all of the sudden he spotted a really gorgeous woman driving this convertible. What the guy did was epic. It seemed he had just seen the love of his life, so he rushed so as to be next her by the next red light. Once stopped next to the other, he got into action. He got down of the car, got on his knees and made a declaration of love to her. He asked her for the date and told her “I couldn’t do anything but to get down here.” People in the other cars, in the sidewalk and whoever was watching started clapping and praising the man. He had serious guts and didn’t care about stopping the city’s traffic to declare his love. The woman started laughing and actually did concede the guy a date!

This is a true story. Beautiful women may look sometimes to serious and sour, but few will be like that in the presence of something as this. Those few are really not worth of your time. Most will reward your audacity and will appreciate you in one way or the other, as this woman did. Doing things such as the one this guy did won’t necessarily help you landing a beautiful girlfriend, but they give you a much better shot than all those other ideas around.

It’s common for beautiful girls to be tired of snobby, winner-like guys who think they are in the same level as them. They instead want a real man, who makes them feel someone special, wished for and for whom they are willing to go far and beyond. Few times will the metro sexual win in the eyes of these women, instead the audacity and guts, the manhood will be the ones who finally charm her and make you succeed.

Getting To Know Each Other

Beautiful Women - Katie Cannon

Still, I have been quite slow when revealing more about myself. No real reason for that actually, just plain laziness I guess. But well, I, Mario, am after all the mind behind most of this. People, new and old friends, are helping me out writing, with ideas, translating, promoting and in many, many other ways. But in the end it’s me putting all this together.Many of you have been reading this site for months already… So I’m sure that by now you kind of know what are my beliefs, what I think and which are my general views and strategies when it comes to dating and picking up girls.

Because of that and for us to have a more personal connection, I’ll tell you some random facts about myself. A few serious things, a few funny and some others that will make you know me more!

• I’m Italian, but I was born and raised in Argentina. I look Italian, eat Italian food and so on, but I speak Spanish and if when Argentina plays against Italy, I’m all for MY country!

• Speaking about sports, I’m a diehard football (discipline in some places known by the horrible name soccer) fan. I tend to lose my voice every second Sunday as I go to see my team play. Here in Argentina we are crazy for it and we are quite good too. Two times world champions, we are serious about it! The best footballer ever born is from Buenos Aires too.

• I started my first business aged six when I bought a casino slot machine and invited my friends over to play. It was a good strategy, but friends didn’t have much savings back then!

• I’m quite well traveled – I have been to more than 170 cities in 35 countries. In all my trips, few girls looked in my eyes as hot as the Ukrainians. They look naturally beautiful, but I hate the way they dress. When it comes to overall hotness, I would have to stick with Finland and Sweden.

• Nevertheless, looks are not the most important for me. My favorite girls are Italian and my future wife (I’m not engaged or anything, it’s just a way of saying) will be from Italy. Quite nationalistic, you see. But French/Greek/Argentinean/Brazilian/Some Spanish could do too. I feel more comfortable and much more connected in every way with them.

• The cologne I use when I go out, in case you want to know, is Chanel’s Allure. Girls love it; you could give it a try too!

• My favorite food is the Argentinean asado (our traditional barbecue.) I wouldn’t change that for anything and it’s the thing I miss the most once I’m away from home. Our meat tastes THAT good, yes. As a good Italian, I’m a big pasta and pizza fan too, and I eat 1kg worth of salad (at least) every day. It may look like a lot to you – But I’m thin, healthy and athletic!

• I’m a big fan of history, culture and archaeology. Just love it. Sooner or later in my life I’ll dedicate to travel the world in search of ancient cultures, lost cities and new things to discover. I’m sure about that – Thing is, I want to be more like Schliemann and less like the poor other archaeologists around. It will take time. Also, sometimes I rather spend the whole day in the museum rather than in a crazy party too. That’s what makes me special I guess.

• I like women who are women. Without being machista, I do dislike die-hard feminists and women who are against the old traditional roles of man and woman. We are equal, our rights and possibilities should also be, but the charm in a relationship and in life is when we are different too. I like being a gentleman and the girls being ladies.

• If I had to tell you which are my favorite kind of women, it would be something like this: around 1.70 meters tall, long light brown hair, brown/bright eyes, light skin and with a very nice bottom. In the epic fight between the importance of tits and ass, I go for the latter. Nothing against them, but I don’t feel attracted to African (black) girls, Latinas nor to most Asians (though some Koreans could be the exception.)

• I give a chunk of my time to work in Charity Organizations every day when possible. Makes me feel good to make the less advantaged to start dreaming of a better life.

• My favorite cities in the world are: Buenos Aires (Argentina), Vienna (Austria), London (UK), Instanbul (Turkey) and Santorini (Greece.) I think New York would be in the list too – But I only visited when I was something like 12 years old.

• I play golf. It’s sexy, fun and you meet a lot of amazing people that in other way would be completely out of reach to you.

• I speak four languages. But the number is and will keep growing! I won’t settle until I learn at least ten of them – Despite with English, Spanish and German I can kind of manage myself I most of the world, there’s a lot of possibilities I miss because I can’t speak Russian or French. Will learn them all soon!

That’s all for now! We can easily get to know more about each other if you follow me on Twitter or if you join the Dating Beautiful Women Facebook Group. To all those who protest that there’s no photograph of me uploaded to the site: I invite you to connect with me through those two ways above where you can see how handsome I look! =)

If you want to present yourself in front of the audience, this could also be a great opportunity for you to do so!

Remarkable Gestures That Seduce Women

Beautiful Women - Jessica Stam

Mind, doing things as the ones I will suggest to you below won’t necessarily get you the girl. It can happen that, on the contrary, these may even hinder your chances. But, one way or the other, by doing something unique you’ll break away from the crowd. You won’t be just another man.
If you want to win big, you got to be remarkable.
You have to do things that no other men do. You have to stand out and show yourself as someone different. Doing what everyone else does won’t make you that special girl you like fall in love with you – Nor it will make that ex girlfriend come back to you. Try, instead, doing something unique, something that will leave her thinking, something exceptional she’ll remember you for.

Again, you don’t have to do these exactly as I tell you. It’s just to give you an idea of what I’m talking about!

Rent an amazing car for the night and pick her up. In some places this can be done cheap enough to be worth of the investment. A nice Porsche, BMW, Mercedes… You don’t even have to tell her it’s your car – Just the act of renting it and going to look for her using it is remarkable enough. Make the girl feel that you wanted to have the night of your life and that the car would make it even better. Fancy dressed and for a fancy date, the car will add the charm of the unexpected, it will get her excited. She’ll speak about it with her friends, for sure – She won’t forget that first date!

Just a note, too. In the 25 things (cont.) post, people flamed me and insulted me because I insisted having a nice car is a thing woman want in men. Again – Guys, women are not superficial, a car won’t make you get the girl if you are an asshole. But girls like it, it will help. It adds charm and level to the date. Take it or leave it!

Writing her a poem. You don’t have to rent an expensive car to be remarkable – that’s just a nice and cocky adventure. If you are into writing and want to impress a girl, write her a poem. Read it to her yourself (or if you already remember the whole thing is fine too), act strong voiced and, if you want, in public. Good or bad, it doesn’t really matter how the poem is (ok, as long it is not THAT bad!) By doing something like this the girl won’t forget you that easily – You did something that very few other men are willing to do for her. I got the Queen of the Argentinean Oktoberfest this way after all – I can tell you it works.

The photos around the world. This one is cute and it’s the way one of my best friends got his ex back. They were having a long distance relationship for a long time already and she was starting to feel stressed and sad about it. She loved him, but just thought that the rigid relationship in the distance was making her feel miserable – she wanted to move on. My friend, to make matters worse, was bombarding her with messages, trying to chat all the time and so on. So she decided to break it up.

He was destroyed; you just can’t give yourself an idea of how bad he was feeling. So, persistent to get her back, he set up on a remarkable journey to make things go bright again. He set out in a tour of Europe and took a photo of himself in different historical places and cities holding a sign. The sign had a few short, lovely phrases that kept changing. On went “I love you,” “Can’t stop thinking about you,” “Don’t want to let you go,” and many more. He email her once of these everyday for a little while, and then went to see her himself. The message was strong, consistent, unique and had an amazing finish. It worked.

Gestures as these are abundant; there are a lot of things you can do. I just gave you these as examples. But you have to get the main picture – the idea is that you do something remarkable, something that breaks the norm. The date could have been just as any other, but it had that car. My friend could have left the relationship wane and destruct, but he delivered something she would have never expected. Be remarkable – it works!

Inspiring Anecdotes and Inventing Stories

Beautiful Women - Nicola Mar

I have already written about the power of telling anecdotes and stories. Basically, being a great, charming and cocky storyteller will raise your chances considerably. Women love to hear special and unique stories – Making this one of the ultimate ways to demonstrate social proof, to show off charisma and also to inspire. It just works.

Still, there are many men who think they didn’t do something epic, something they might think worth of telling. But guys, everyone has something remarkable to say, I’m sure about that. You got to find what it is – What is that makes you special. Search for your strong points and which of your experiences will be the most appealing to women.

It’s something basic – You got to find out! And, either way, if you want to tell a story, those great experiences don’t necessarily have to be yours. You can tell some amazing story aboutsomeone who know, of a friend or even someone you just heard about once. Just find a way to connect yourself into the anecdote somehow! I’ll give you a few examples so you can get an idea of what I’m talking about.

One memorable story, for instance, is the one of a fellow Argentinean. This guy, over his thirties, had a nice job, a happy relationship and, over all, what many would call a fulfilling life here in Buenos Aires. But he was bored – he wanted to do something exciting for a change. So he left everything and with the money he had saved he went all the way to South Africa.

He didn’t go to South Africa to settle down. Instead, he just went with a backpack, a laptop and, once there, he bought a bicycle. For the next three years he would travel all the way up to Egypt, visiting most of the African continent on the way. He saw fantastic places, met lost tribes, fought mobs like James Bond and had the most amazing adventures you could ever imagine.

What this guy did was unique. First, because he had the guts to leave what was in many other people’s eyes a good life and second because of the epic he lived. His anecdotes are endless and each of these stories are something you probably never heard about before. Just to give you an idea – he was promoted as “sub chief” of a tribe in Ghana. That without effort – just because he was the first white person these people had ever seen.

How do I fit into all that? I’m cool enough to know him and I know how to tell his story. Guys love to hear about it – and, in case you wonder, also women!

Just as this guy, I know a lot of other stories that are amazing to tell. I met this Japanese backpacker who had slept under a bridge in Kiev (Ukraine) just because he was too tired to go and look for a hotel. Then, this other guy traveled more than 500km just to get a kiss and spend a few hours with someone he wanted to see again.

Traveling around the world certainly has given me the chance to meet all these special personalities first hand. But if you have never meet guys as these, it is no problem! There are hundreds, thousands of personalities who can enrich you, whose stories and life are already amazing stories to tell. Adopt them! I’ll post about my favorite personalities someday soon – But until then, think on those who you admire and their story. Practice telling these stories and adapt them to your pick up game!

All the stories, though, have to share one thing: they have to be inspiring. Inspirational stories are my favorite – they leave you something inside, something you won’t forget. They make you change, they make you better and they could go as far as changing your life. Take that inspiration as a weapon yourself and use it. Inspirational stories are powerful and as such they are among the most successful womanizing techniques you could ever have.

In the future I’ll be writing an article on the people I feel are the most inspiring for me and why. Those people whose stories I find amazing and worth telling – And a way for you to reach them.

Your Girlfriend’s Mother

Beautiful Women - Olivia Wilde

Winning the influence of a girl’s mother has to be among your prime objectives. It is easy when young, not to difficult after that and the benefits are huge!
Having a Good Relationship with Mothers

Just imagine – If you left a good impression on her mother, you’ll have found someone who is willing to work in your favor 24/7. It is that cool – Or, if not, it will be just a little bit less. The mama will speak about you, tell her why she liked you, why she should choose you and so on. If, on the contrary, you leave her a bad impression, this will go all against you instead. So there’s only one way to go right?

Good thing is that it is not hard to leave a good impression. Be your best self, don’t discuss too much, don’t look freak and always show how big your feelings for her daughter are. Play the nice, intelligent and caring guy and you’ll all but win her. Some etiquette will also help you out too.

Having a good relationship with the father is also important. It’s good if you are in good terms with him too. Still, his opinion, for one reason or the other, usually won’t be as important as her mother’s when it comes to making the girl feel more attracted and more seduced by your personality.

Her Mother Is Her in the Future

My Papa, a wise man, always tells me that whenever I want to start a relationship with a girl, I should take a look at her mother. “The mother is her in the future,” he says. And he is right! Most of the times if her mom looks like sixty when she is only forty, her daughter will follow the same path and vice versa. It is just like that!

If you ever thought on getting married with some girl, you should better take a look at her mother and see then what will await you in the future. It may well happen that she is amazingly beautiful at twenty five – But maybe she already looks terrible only ten years later. I’m not superficial and I hope no one of you is, but I alsodon’t want to find myself with any unpleasant surprise in the near future!

So, if you want to have a good looking wife, you better take a look at her mom now. Exceptions are possible and may well happen, but they are not as common as you might wish they were. If a girl is already chubby at twenty, expect the worst in the following years. Instead, if the girl takes care of herself when young, eats well and is sporty, then you might have a better shot for the future!

Related posts:

FREE E-Book: Inspiration Method

Beautiful Girls

Finally, the long-awaited Inspiration Method is here! The book is the culmination of the Dating Beautiful Women Project, a rock-solid guide on achieving inevitable success with women. It’s a concise guide that will help every man in the world get that girlfriend he always dreamed about.

As promised, it’s a very personal approach to seduction. It’s a method that will build on your strengths and your unique personality. It’s a fresh take on seduction – one that has never been seen before.

You Can Download the Book for FREE Here.

(Some people had trouble reading this one, so it’s strongly recommended you update to the most recent version of the Adobe Reader)

In a nut-shell, these are the two most important concepts you’ll learn in this book:

  • If you build your unique strengths, no girl will be out of your reach.
  • Inspiration is the most powerful and seductive force in the universe, and you’ll learn exactly how to use it.

Download the Book HERE.

I really hope that this book can help you out. Everyone can be with the girl he wants – and in this book you’ll find out how.

If you like it or find it helpful, please help me spread it! Here you’ll find your favorite social media links:

If social media is not your thing, I’ll still appreciate it if you tell your friends, your family or anyone who might find this book valuable.

Now it’s time to rock the world!

The Most Dangerous Mistakes In Bed

Sandra Milena Gonzalez

This is a guest article written by Shawna Lenee, one of the creators of the 2 Girls Teach Sex program. 2 Girls Teach Sex is a 5 DVD course on how to make women go crazy in bed.

Even the best lovers are often guilty of mistakes in the bedroom… often WITHOUT ever knowing it.

It’s just a fact of life.

But… that doesn’t mean that YOU have to be!

In this revealing report you’ll discover the most common mistakes men make in bed… and… what to do INSTEAD to drive your woman WILD with pleasure. Avoid these 10 mistakes and you’ll have better sex the very NEXT time you make love…

Mistake #1) Thinking She is Climaxing When She Isn’t

You may think that your lover is having “multiples” (or even ONE you-know-what) when she is not. She may make a bunch of noises and even TELL YOU it’s happening. But is she really?

Grab a Cosmopolitan sometime and look at how many articles and comments on “faking it”. I’m not saying that YOUR GIRL is faking it EVERY TIME but… chances are there have been a few episodes of love making where she was CRAVING something other than what you were doing.

When this happens women just want it to be over and encourage you to finish. It doesn’t mean you are awful in bed; just that being a mind-blowing lover EVERY TIME takes some specialized knowledge.

If you are giving your girl the “Big O” (and absolutely 100% sure of it) then congratulations! You’re one of the few guys who is ACTUALLY pleasing a woman REALLY WELL. But if you’re not, it is crucial that you learn how…

Mistake #2) Not Giving Her a Variety of Sexual Experiences

A lot of guys who are new to lovemaking – or are used to doing it with the same woman – tend to forget that women want different KINDS of sensual EXPERIENCES.

You might think that changing positions a few times and varying the speed of your thrusting IS a mixing it up. But it is not.

Women thrive on emotions. Sometimes they want to be taken, sometimes they want it hard, and sometimes they want to make love.

If you are NOT talking during lovemaking and creating a strong emotional experience for her, she CAN’T be totally fulfilled. Women want and NEED strong emotional experiences in bed.

Let’s look at an example.

Women love bad boys because of the emotions that a bad boy inspires in them.

This is why that when a women cheats, it is often with a “bad boy.”

However, you don’t need to be bad boy to create bad boy emotions within her in the bedroom. Just be a bad boy yourself by giving her a light spanking, talking dirty, and giving it to her good!

Women also love very suave, romantic types. Think of the cheesy paperback romance novels they read with Fabio on the cover. This is not a myth… women REALLY read this stuff!

Now, I’m not saying you should grow long hair, huge man boobs, and start riding a horse… but what you can do is mix up your lovemaking with some romantic sessions in which you are telling your girl how beautiful she is to you and how much you love her.

Get it?

The skinny is this:

You NEED to give your lover a variety of sexual experiences… and YOU are capable of giving her each kind… but you have to mix it up!

Mistake #3) Forgetting To Be A MAN

Ask any 100 women off of the street and 99 of them will tell you that they want a man that TAKES CONTROL.

That’s right, we want YOU to call the shots!

As long as you are respectful, your girl DOES want you to take control in the bedroom, to flip her around and switch positions without asking, and to do what YOU want!

Women are programmed to respond to strong, authoritative, confident men. It signifies that you are a protector, a leader, and a suitable mate.

Sure, it’s ok to ask her if she is enjoying something… but keep it simple. Save the talk about actual positions she liked for AFTER you are done.

Now don’t get me wrong – you are not making her a slave here, but rather leading with authority and masculine strength.

Once you start doing this you will be able to do many things with her in the bedroom that she earlier would not do. Many guys often think a woman is just uptight if she doesn’t want to do something… when in reality she just needs you to be a man and guide her with strength and confidence. You’ll be amazed at just how powerfully she responds!

Mistake #4) Thinking Sex Isn’t That Important To Her

If you want to know how much women LOVE sex… just think about how loudly we scream during lovemaking! You won’t ever hear a guy screaming like that!

You might THINK that your drive is much higher than your woman’s because YOU are usually the one initiating sex with her. But…

As hard as it is to accept, recognize that if your girl doesn’t want to make love, it is NOT always because she doesn’t want to.

Unfortunately, it’s probably because you just aren’t getting her off.

Fortunately this is an easy fix, and in a moment we’ll talk about how to do it…

Mistake #5) Being Silent/Emotionless in Bed

You may think that it is “cheesy” or “creepy” to talk romantically in bed. (you may think its weird to talk at all in bed) However, women HATE silent, mechanical lovemaking.


I’ll say it again: We women THRIVE on emotion.

Dirty talk or romantic talk are EXCELLENT ways to give your girl STRONG EMOTIONS in bed. And strong emotions = STRONG ORGASMS.

Never think that it is solely your physical parts or motions you are making that give your girl the most pleasure. The most POWERFUL “BIG O” will always be triggered by our MINDS, not by our physical bodies.

Unlock her mind through dirty talk, romantic talk, and emotional talk WHILE having making love, and she will experience the most intense pleasure of her life!

Mistake #6) Trading Dinners/Flowers/etc To Get Sex From Her

Many men mistakenly think that we women aren’t interested in making love (we already discussed how this is incorrect thinking), and that they have to “trade something” with her to get her to want intimacy.

This is why you see so many guys trying to “get there” with their girl by first taking her out to a nice dinner or buying her gifts.

While doing nice things for your girl is awesome, it should NEVER be with the intention of GETTING SOME. When you have to trade something to get intimacy from your girl, realize that this is PROOF you are just not truly satisfying her in the bedroom.

When you are intimately satisfying your girl you will not have to trade ANYTHING for it, but she will often spontaneously text you sexy messages, buy YOU a small gift, or begin initiating lovemaking constantly. Just wait and see!

Mistake #7) Not Giving Her Enough “Foreplay”

If you still think of “foreplay” as the activity before lovemaking, well then you are thinking of it WRONG!

Here’s a hint: Women consider foreplay as PART of the lovemaking. NOT as a separate thing!

Here’s why:

While a man is not always capable of having a “Big O” during foreplay AND then another “Big O” during the actual lovemaking, WOMEN CAN!

Imagine if YOU could have one during foreplay… AND not lose any firmness and keep having them well into lovemaking. You’d want to spend A LOT of time in foreplay too, right?

Well your girl CAN have foreplay “O’s” AND penetration “O’s” so she DOES want to spend a lot of time in foreplay. As she should!

As a rule of thumb, spend at least the same amount of time on foreplay as lovemaking and you can always spend EVEN MORE time in foreplay. You can never get her too turned on and it will only make the lovemaking better when you are finally inside of her.

Mistake #8) Not Lasting Long Enough

This mistake is well known and very simple, but no list of mistakes in the bedroom would be complete without it. But while all guys know they need to last long… they don’t necessarily know HOW LONG that is!

Well, after talking to dozens of my girlfriends about the subject, I’ve discovered that we all think pretty much alike…

If you can last at least 20 minutes, most women will be SUPER happy with that!

Mistake #9) Mistaking Her Moody-ness For NORMAL Behavior

It’s no secret that we women can be a LOT moodier than men =)

But if you’re in a relationship with a woman and she seems to keep getting more and more moody over time… this is often because she isn’t getting what she needs in the bedroom.


As we talked about before… while women aren’t usually as sexually aggressive as men, we do love and NEED to make love just as much!

But here’s the thing… if you’re not giving her the “Big O”… then lovemaking does her no good!

Can you imagine if when you were “taking care of yourself” you could NEVER “get there”? You’d begin to enjoy it less and less each time. Eventually you’d get so frustrated by the inability to “finish” that it would just be easier to avoid it COMPLETELY!


If you can’t give her the “Big O” why WOULD she want to make love with you?

The answer:

She won’t.

If your girl is not wanting to make love with you as much as you want then this is EXACTLY what has happened for her.

In the beginning, she may have tolerated it because she was really into you. Now that you have been together for a long time and lovemaking isn’t satisfying for her, it is more fulfilling for her to take care of HERSELF when you’re not around. This leads to only being with you on special occasions… or when she feels obligated (like if a guy bought her a fancy dinner or some sort of gift.)

If you recognize any of these signs, it’s time to step up your game NOW before the drought gets even worse.

And when you do, you’ll discover that when you are completely rocking her world in bed, not only is she in a better mood on a day-to-day basis… but SHE’LL start initiating making love with YOU!

A close friend of mine who is some what of a love-making expert himself told me something that I didnt’ believe at the time… but I now KNOW to be 100% true:


And hey, I’ll admit it… if a man can give it to me like that, this is probably true =)

If your girlfriend or wife is often starting arguments, not wanting intimacy, or acting “distant” in some way, it’s time to stop blaming her. Re-examine your ability because the real culprit is inadequate lovemaking pleasure.

Mistake #10) Not Getting Help

Top performers in any aspect of life realize that MASTERY is a journey, not a destination. Top athletes don’t all-of-a-sudden stop practicing. CEOs don’t suddenly neglect their businesses and expect it to keep growing. And guess what… lovemaking is no different.

To be an amazing lover you can’t ever be blinded by arrogance. Never think that you know EVERYTHING. You may know A LOT but there are ALWAYS new tricks or tips to get you to the next level.

If you’re serious about getting this part of your life together… and joining the 1% of all men who can REALLY rock a woman’s world in the bedroom… I’d like to invite you to check out my new groundbreaking DVD series, 2 Girls Teach Sex.

In it, you’ll discover DOZENS of secrets on how to get your woman turned on BEFORE you make love, foreplay tricks that make her BEG to have you inside of her, the little-known positions that GUARANTEE she “gets there”, how to get your girl to start initiating intimacy with you, how to give her “multiples”… and much, much more!

Best of all, you can try it RISK-FREE. Get it out there, watch the videos, and try out the techniques. If your girl isn’t SCREAMING with pleasure and begging you to make love to her at all times of the day, simply pack them up and return them for a full refund, no questions asked.

Of course, I ’d be “crazy” to make an offer like that if we were at all worried about that happening. In fact, I’ll bet that once you get these DVDs out there and see how well these techniques work, we wouldn’t be able to pry them out of your hands with a crowbar!